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Forums - white text on white background! Joystick Question

Dec 23, 2004 Wings link
MacOSX 10.3.7 and Safari 1.3: I'm typing this in a white window with white text! This also happened when I filled out the forms to join Vendetta. Anyone know what can cure this? (ONly way I can see what I've typed is to select the text)

Also, what joystick works well for Vendetta & OSX?
Dec 23, 2004 objectifier link
What version of the OS and Safari are you using? I have seen this behavior in some pre-release software, but not 10.3.6. or 10.3.7 or Safari 1.2.

As for Joysticks, I have yet to find one that is better than using a mouse and keyboard because you will still have to use the mouse and keyboard anyway.
Dec 25, 2004 FourthDay link
Known bug in Mac OS 10.4, might have been fixed in latest build, I haven't had a chance to try it yet. It shouldn't occur in 10.3.7, report a bug with Apple.
It may have something to do with not resetting the font color before the text input box. (which, I'd like to point out, is non-standard behavior... shame on you, Apple)
Dec 26, 2004 Wings link
I dunno. I fill out forms online all the time and this forum is the only place where I see this problem. You would think that if it was an OS problem that I'd see it all the time.
Dec 26, 2004 Wings link
Wait... that previous post of mine was kinda dumb. Of course it's an OS (or browser) problem since other mac users aren't getting it. Add to that the fact that I'm using Safari 1.3 "Developer Preview" and I can see where the problem probably lies. But my question is still out there... is *anyone* seeing this also?