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is there a secondary weapon button?

Dec 13, 2004 epadafunk link
just wondering cause the macs dont have the right click on the mouse
Dec 13, 2004 silentsuicide link
c for secondary
v for teritery

or whatever you want to set them to
Dec 13, 2004 epadafunk link
how do i change what the key settings are?
Dec 14, 2004 objectifier link
From within VO, go into Options, then click Controls, then Keyboard. Select the item and press the new key to assign.
Dec 29, 2004 Screwball link
For $20, you can get yourself a 3-button optical USB mouse with a scrollwheel. I have a Microsoft Mouse that meets the above description that works just fine on my Mac (10.2.8) with no special drivers or anything.

I have also used IBM and other brand multi-button mice with my Mac, and they mostly work (sometimes I needed to unplug and re-plug them after a power down to get them to be recognized).

Vendetta supports all three buttons and the scrollwheel with no problem.
Dec 30, 2004 Laika link
Logitech, even cheaper. For 10-15$ you get a fine optical 3 Button + Wheel mouse that you can jump on, throw against walls and wash with Coke without breaking it. No drivers needed.

The first thing you should do after buying a Mac, even before booting it the first time, is purchasing a new mouse. I wonder why Apple still makes those crappy one-button things. :P
Jan 03, 2005 iTripped link
In a word, Laika, styling. Sure, it has fewer features, but that goes along with Apple's easy to use and streamlined approach. It looks cleaner, so they continue to sell 'em.

Well that, and it must keep the 3rd party mouse vendors very happy...
Jan 04, 2005 Laika link
Nope, I don't think it's easier to use. What is easier, pressing down your middle finger on the right mouse button or move the left hand to the keyboard (after putting away coffe, cigarette or whatever you had in your left hand) and press the ctlr-key? Any Mac user I know has always his left hand on the keyboard, most of the times just to hit the ctrl-button for contextual menues. And there are plenty of contextual menues in OS X and all the Apple Apps, some features can't even be accessed without them.
Speaking of games, I can't play any of my games with a one button mouse. Age of Mythology even sucks without a scrollwheel.
Sorry, I like to have my left hand free for coffee, beer, cigarettes, and what is so hard about using a 2 button mouse?
I love Macs for the ease of use, but I want to work on that thing, and a single button mouse is unproductive. Heck, Maya even requires at least 3 mouse buttons, 5 or more recommended :D And style, yes, that's like Bang&Olufsen Stereos. They look stylish, I have an old one. It's waste, sounds like crap, and the new needle for the turntable costs $150.
When I think about all the upgrades I made to my Macs, new processors, PCI cards or whatever, the one I love most was my first Logitech mouse :)