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play oggs invendetta

Nov 25, 2004 macguy link
Does anyone know the command to play oggs in vendetta. Also, do the files need to be in a certin place, like in the vendetta programs package?
Nov 26, 2004 Tertior link
drop your .oggs into the game folder, type /playmusic <filename>

or make an m3u playlist and type /playlist <filename>
or use the search button... Tertior joke
Dec 09, 2004 macguy link
So, how excatly would i make an m2u playlist?
Dec 09, 2004 silentsuicide link
Make a text document using text edit. Format-Make Plain text. then type out the file paths for the location of each of your .oggs ie /Users/yourname/Desktop/myoggs/oggsong.ogg (note: you can drag files into the terminal to get the filepath automaticly, then its just a matter of copy paste) Make sure you hard enter (enter key not return) save it as a .txt and then change the file name to blah.m3u. /playlist /Users/yourname/Desktop/blah.m3u and there ya go.
Dec 09, 2004 macguy link
Dec 25, 2004 knob link
cant itunes do this?
Dec 26, 2004 macguy link
Yes, it just makes thing easier, and if you need the processor speed it helps too. I'd like to know from the devs though, how are you getting it to play oggs? Is it playing through a quicktime or some other player "plug in" type thing you used when making the game. Or did you guys code a player yourselves?
Jan 04, 2005 roguelazer link
QuickTime would add a lot of overhead, and ogg vorbis isn't that complicated. I'm sure that they either integrated libogg or wrote a decoder.