Forums » MacOS X
Updater app won't launch
Ok, I've read others' problems that seem to be similar to this, but not yet have I heard anyone express my problem: I just downloaded the vendetta updater, and it simply will not launch. I had the game before, but for some reason got rid of it. I've tried redownloading the updater several times over the past months, but not once have I gotten it up to open. I double click, and the "expanding icon" animation of OS 10.3 goes, but nothing happens after that. I have OS 10.3.5 on a Dual G4/867.
Is there any info in the system Console that may show what's wrong?
sometimes it happen. I had this problem only 2 times, since I play to
Vendetta (almost 3 years). reload a New Vendetta and erases the other;
I believe that you can keep your file conf.ini
Vendetta (almost 3 years). reload a New Vendetta and erases the other;
I believe that you can keep your file conf.ini