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Game doesn't even start....

Jun 23, 2004 raybondo link
Desann, Vendettaclient is in the Vendetta bundle. do a "Show Package Contents" and it should be in there. However you said before you can't do that anymore? very strange.
Jun 23, 2004 RattMann link
Well Raybondo...

Everything is now all new. Trashed Vendetta completely and downloaded another
and completely installed it. Still does not work. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

Jun 23, 2004 Kyle Katarn link
It makes me really mad. I am missing all the fun and I was so excited to see the big universe. I did the same thing rattmann did, twice. Nothing changed.
Jun 23, 2004 sly.spoon link
MAKE IT WORK PLEASE! MAKE IT WORK! I deleted and downloaded it again installed it, click... DOESNT WORK ARGHH! hmm lets try again... WORK YOU PIECE OF S***, ok i think the first thing that needs to be done is "what is the problem?" ok it doesnt start we know that but WHY doesnt it start, does anyone know? then something can be done, first why then fix
Jun 23, 2004 raybondo link
if you open the Vendetta bundle after updating/downloading, can you run the vendettaclient that is in there?
Jun 23, 2004 sly.spoon link
ive tried, and it doesnt work

cmon devs, fix this
Jun 23, 2004 raybondo link
OK I found the problem. I am fixing it now.

Mac OS X 10.2.x does not come with libmx but 10.3.4 does.

Probably the same problem with 10.3.3.

I should have asked what the Console log says. That would have told me right away.
Jun 23, 2004 Kyle Katarn link
There are other people who may be experiencing problems different but similar, is that why it hasnt been fixed yet?
Jun 23, 2004 RattMann link
As of this time (2133 PDT) it is still not working at all. I know you guys are doing all you can and I appreciate it. I'm gonna wait until tomorrow and see what's up.
It's two hours later where you are, so have a couple of beers (I am!) relax and get
some sleep. Besides, I've rediscovered SimCity 4.....

*Sound of bottle caps popping...*
Jun 23, 2004 sly.spoon link
yay ray! im happy now make sure you post when the bug thing is fixed so i can play! erm i dont know all that computer talk... whats a libmx?
Jun 23, 2004 sly.spoon link
AWESOEM its fixed! thank you thank you thank you thank you
Jun 24, 2004 raybondo link

libmx is a LIBrary for Math eXtensions. When programming, you have to compile the code and then link it. The link step was linking in something that earlier versions of MacOSX doesn't have.
Jul 04, 2004 GodOD link
It's me again—just thought I'd drop a line to say that Vendetta starts up and runs with all 3 of my monitors on & connected! No more do do I have to keep disconnecting my third monitor. Thanks!!!