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1GHz PowerBook 12", GeForce FX Go5200, 32MB

Feb 11, 2004 andreas link
This is the coolest video bug so far. Congrats raybondo ;-). HUD display disappears as soon any roids are within the field of view. If I turn away (away from the center), HUD reappears. I bet the Nvidia drivers are buggy.
Feb 11, 2004 Arolte link
Uhh... everything works fine for me. Are you running Vendetta with shaders? Turn 'em off, 'cause it makes your FPS plummet down to the single digits. And yes, the nVidia drivers for OS X are buggy. I'm still getting 16-bit textures when I should be getting 32-bit textures. F' nVidia and F' Apple!
Feb 11, 2004 raybondo link
I've seen that bug before. I forgot what the details of it are though.
Feb 13, 2004 andreas link
I hate to agree with Arolte, but turning off the shaders did the trick. Now I get 40 FPS and everything is fine.