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Feb 04, 2004 SoundGuy66 link
Well, this isn't really a problem, more just a product of stupidity.

When I tried to run Vendetta on my 700MHz iBook while running on battery power, all hell broke loose. The screen was shrunken and shifted into the lower left corner of the screen. I believe this was proportional to my game resolution vs. standard screen res. Further, various portions of my HUD were replicated onto the skybox at varying angles. Interestingly enough, switching to windowed mode managed to solve all of these problems.

After checking energysaver, I noted that the battery settings included "Reduced processor performance." Once I plugged back in, things were back to normal.

The simple solution is to just disable that energy option, but I thought I'd mention it in case some other poor soul makes the same mistake.
Feb 05, 2004 toshiro link
i haven't tried vendetta on my powerbook with battery power and reduced processor output, will test it asap.
Feb 05, 2004 Arolte link
Vendetta ran fine on my 700MHz iBook with battery power. It was hard to play with the trackpad, but I got it running fine. I believe I was using OS X 10.2.1 or 10.2.2 back then, however. It may be a Panther specific problem. What version of OS X are you using?