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Vendetta Konfabulator Widgets

Jan 15, 2004 Arolte link
I don't know if anyone here knows how to make a Konfabulator widget, but it would be cool to have a widget that displays on your desktop who is currently online in Vendetta. Other widgets may include an alarm that tells you when your flag has been captured, or one that posts player and nation rankings live.

For those who have no clue wtf I'm talking about, check out It's a nifty program which uses a javascript runtime engine that lets you have these things called widgets on your desktop, which allows you to do basically anything from CPU monitoring to looking up news headlines at your favorite site.
Jan 16, 2004 toshiro link
i'm all for it.
Jan 16, 2004 electric27 link
Jan 16, 2004 Hoax link
Hey, good idea! I'm a web designer so konfabulator widgets are pretty easy for me (kind of XML and JavaScriptish), I'll see what I can come up with this weekend. What are some more feature ideas, stuff that can be grepped straight from the website will be easiest of course (like stats and active players).
Jan 16, 2004 Arolte link
Nothing complex really. The one I'd love to have the most is the list of online players that update automatically. I don't think rankings change quickly enough to really be of any interest. Heck, I don't think too many people actually care about ranking anymore. The flag capping alarm would also be nice, though I'm not sure how you'd implement it--If you know how more power to ya!


PS: Also, see if you can rip the design straight off of the website for consistency. Extra bonus points will be awarded for transparency!
Jan 19, 2004 Magus link
Arolte this is the best idea you've ever had.
Jan 19, 2004 electric27 link
Jan 19, 2004 Hoax link
Don't worry, I'm working on it ... I have a new baby here, so be patient, done by end of next weekend I think ...
Jan 20, 2004 crazydeb8r link
You know, this could probably work for Linux too with a bit of tweaking. Hoax, would you mind if I try to modify whatever you come up with to make it work for linux?
Jan 20, 2004 Magus link
Linux has a program similar to Konfabulator called desktop apps or Gnudesktop or something like that. It's almost identical code so you can probably rip it straight off.
Jan 21, 2004 Hoax link
I forgot how much fun 'regular expresions' are. Maybe in the future guild will offer an XML version of the stats and whatnots...
Feb 04, 2004 Hoax link
OK, I'll never have time to do this, but if I do, I'll be sure and post a link to it here.
Feb 04, 2004 electric27 link
Awww, oh wells.
/me holds breath that Hoax gets time.

/me passes out.
Feb 08, 2004 roguelazer link
Magus: You're probably thinking of either gdesklets or gkrellm. Neither of their applet codes are anything like konfabulator. Sorry, but true.
Feb 14, 2004 Immortal Q link
I'll put some work into this - I'm thinking of writing a PHP script to parse Guild's HTML page, then output as an XML file, then use Konfab to read it. If I can get it going well enough, maybe Guild would be nice enough to run the script on _their_ servers, and not mine...

I'll let you know in the next coupla days.