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12" PowerBook FPS?

Aug 05, 2003 Arolte link
Just curious, any 12" PowerBook owners here? What framerates are you getting for Vendetta? I'm thinking of getting one now if Apple/Motorola keeps delaying the. So anyway, I was wondering what the following settings would yield:

Screen Resolution: 1024x768, 32-bit
Texture Quality: Very High
Backgrounds: Extremely High
Particle Detail: Highest
Space Debris: OFF
Scene LOD: 1 (default)
Distance LOD: 15 (default)
Bump Mapping: ON
Illumination Mapping: ON
Environment Mapping: ON

How much FPS should that get? I'm also hoping the system requirements for Vendetta doesn't rise drastically in the future. I plan on using this PowerBook for another two or three years.
Aug 06, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
I would like to know to, but for me, "It's a step up from this (glares coldly at white plastic box) ibook"


If apple screws up with the repair on my ibook i'm just gonna try to get a new computer.

Then again it will be the last step up from the ibook for me until they update it (i like 12" laptops)
Aug 06, 2003 Arolte link
Lemming, if you've got the patience I think there's a very good chance that you'll get a brand new iBook to replace your current one. That's assuming that Apple has tried to repair it back and forth for quite a number of times. It's not uncommon though. Heck, I was surprised that your damages were covered under warranty. Consider yourself lucky, as bored and frustrated as you may be now with your broken iBook.

And yeah, there's something about the compactness of the 12" iBook and PowerBook that beats the hell outta the 14", 15" and 17" laptops. I guess I've always been interested in compact and powerful things. I think that laptops will eventually dominate the future of computing, once size becomes irrelevant for efficient and fast CPUs. After all, the first computers were made outta huge machines and vacuum tubes that took up an entire room.