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Recommended Joysticks for a G4 Laptop?

Jan 15, 2009 Verad link
The track pad just isn't cutting it. I'm getting my ass handed to me by Aput guradians. Anyone know a relatively cheap joystick that not only works well with VO, but will also work on a G4 laptop running 10.3.9?
Jan 17, 2009 Daare link
I don't have a particular recommendation but any USB joystick should be recognized by VO. However, most joystick manufacturers don't support Macs directly so any customization software will likely not work for you.
Jan 18, 2009 toshiro link

There are a few third-party HID handling applications for OS X. There's ControllerMate, USB Overdrive X and, last but not least, GamePad companion. I have used the latter two of these three to some extent, and found them to be satisfactory.

However, Vendetta Online also has its own way of handling HID, so you would not need to get one just for playing VO.

As for what stick you want, like Daare said, you can pick and choose; if it's USB, your computer should recognize all button presses and movement axes out of the box. If it does not, return it. It is likely, though, that only ControllerMate will give you full control over how the stick actually behaves. If you do not want to spend a lot on trial and error, I recommend reading this thread, which is also stickied at the top of this sub-forum (it's easy to miss the stickied threads, I know...).
Jan 20, 2009 Verad link
Thanks for the input!
Feb 07, 2009 oddjobbob link
Actually, VO has its own Joystick/GamePad interface. I am using a Logitech Dual Action Game Pad. It has taken me a while to get it configured and its taking longer to get comfortable with it....but it is working.

While Game Companion work for game that have NO gamepad/joystick interface you wont like it with VO. You don't need it with VO. At least that was my experience.
Feb 07, 2009 oddjobbob link
Oh, and so yuou know...I am Using a MacBook Pro, 15 in. running 10.5
Mar 28, 2009 The Shedu link
MB Pro 15" OS-X 10.5
I just bought the Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X. It's a duel-stick like the Saitek X-52, but smaller and cheaper. The box says PC/PS-3. I figured to try it out and if it didn't work, I'd give it a nephew or something...

It works. VO recognizes it immediately. As Daare said, though, no customization software and the game disc you can use to as a coffee coaster.

One note about using a duel-stick set-up during fights:

Turn off the screen saver.
Apr 03, 2009 rkerst link
I'm playing on an Intel Mac laptop under 10.4.11, so not exactly the same as yours, but will say that I like the Logitech Force 3D Pro very much. On my machine, it is total plug & play, no messing with software or anything. I especially like the hat, which I have bound to the 4 strafe keys and operate with a rolling motion of the right thumb.

Good luck!
Apr 05, 2009 Secret Agent Muska link
Aye, same as rkerst, but leave the Force. Get the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro instead. Force is bad, and doesn't work very well under 10.3.9. I used the Extreme and it worked very well an an old Panther eMac, 2 Tiger notebooks and 2 leopard iMacs.

I'll be getting a Saitek Cyborg X in a few days so if you wait, I can try it on the eMac and see how it works.
