Forums » MacOS X

Updater is freezing

Jan 28, 2008 optimus_tycho link
Im on Mac OSX 10.3.9 and it has frozen whilst updating?

(800 MHz PowerPc G4)

What do I do? Not being on a laptop means I can't move to a different network or anything? I worked fine for a couple of days so I dont understand what the problem is?

Just tried a different copy of vendetta which did the same thing, and I've checked my network config's and there fine and I know my ISP is fine so I'm really stuck as to finding out whats wrong? (Plus I have over 150mb free space).
Jan 28, 2008 lukasn link
Sounds like the same problem I have.
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Jan 29, 2008 raybondo link
Are you both doing this from a school network?
Jan 30, 2008 optimus_tycho link
No I dont use a school network
Apr 23, 2008 tianzi link
My wife just bought a new I-mac and I too am having problems with updater freezing. Her I-mac is a core duo machine with OSX 10.5.2 update downloaded. Any suggestions?