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Vendetta on a super old TiBook?

Aug 23, 2007 Darkchronic link
Hi there, I'm in the middle of deciding to purchase a 400MHZ TiBook, and the make it or break it thing for me is the ability to run Vendetta, I've successfully played Vendetta at reasonable speeds on a 350MHZ G3 Powermac with 512MB RAM and a 64MB Radeon 7000, but the thing I'm concerned about is the TiBook's awful 8MB Mobility Rage, spec wise, it's a 400MHZ 'book with 384MB RAM which I will most certainly be upgrading to 1GB. I'd be cool with everything on low at a low resolution, just would framerates be playable?

Thank ye.
Aug 23, 2007 roguelazer link
Does the OS X version still support 320x240? If so, then probably yes.
Aug 24, 2007 toshiro link
What, why 320x240? Oh, you were joking.

I can't really opine on this, since my TiBook is a 867 with a radeon 9k mobility (32 MB), on which VO runs nearly flawlessly (and on relatively high settings, too). However, I have run VO without experiencing problems on a iMac DV SE with... less VRAM, and it ran. Admittedly, that was over a year ago. Do you have the possibility to test it on the computer?
Aug 24, 2007 Darkchronic link
Nope, way too far away for me to get to.

Anyway, if you've run it on a G3 iMac, I'm hoping it'll be fine on the PowerBook, how was it on the G3?

And even if it doesn't run, it'll be a step up from this Wallstreet G3 PowerBook :| OS 9 FTL.
Aug 25, 2007 epadafunk link
why not splurge on a nice new iMac?
Aug 26, 2007 Darkchronic link
Because I'm cheap.

Aug 27, 2007 toshiro link
It ran... more or less fluidly. But that was wayyyy back, things might be a bit different now.
Aug 27, 2007 moldyman link
I've run VO on a 350mhz, 8meg VRAM Clamshell iBook, yup a G3 laptop. So I'm sure a G4 laptop will be able to run it... just don't expect great performance. And buy yourself a decent comp, for pete's sake!
Aug 28, 2007 break19 link
guys guys guys..

the CPU isnt the problem.

ATI RageMobility 8Meg.. thats the issue.

2 issues with it, actually..
1. its only got 8megs of VRAM.
2. its the "mobility" model.. which usually means "stripped down" ie. slower..
You can probably play on it, but it's likely going to be painful.

hell, my G4 ibook with 32M is painful when I try turning up the settings past "low"

EDIT: seriously dude.. splurge.. dont go for the new mbp's, but get yourself a G4 Powerbook 15" 1.3ghz - those have awesome vid cards, as far as laptops go..

I'm lookin at some on ebay right now, buyout prices, $649.00 USD

8M video card will be a SERIOUS problem for -ANY- game from about 1996 and up.
Aug 29, 2007 Darkchronic link
Thanks for the advice guys, for the moment I'll stick to my PowerMac, and I'll either save for a low end MacBook or a 12" PowerBook if I can get one reasonably.
Aug 30, 2007 break19 link
I would advise, the 12" PB, not the macbook, the vid card is actually worse than the older-generation powerbook.

macbook = ibook (el cheapo, especially so wrt video)

macbook pro = powerbook (better choice)

of course, it's completely up to you.. you *will* get a newer machine if you choose the macbook, but newer isnt *always* better..
Aug 30, 2007 ArAsH link
still have an old 400MHz TiBook here and it runs VO flawlessly on the lowest setting:
16 bit textures
no background
everything low

MacOS 10.3.9 and 640Mb ram in this machine


edit: just tested it with the latest update, and it still works perfectly. The reason for no background is that there are large triangles cut out of the BG.