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Gamma Check

Jun 17, 2003 Rabid Panda link
The gamma randomly doens't work are certian angles. It's really quite annoying.

G4 400
AGP GF2 MX 400 64mb
384mb ram
Jun 17, 2003 raybondo link
Certain Angles?
Can you post a couple screenshots, please?

I discovered some cases where certain viewing angles causes the ambient lighting to turn off on the asteroids. Perhaps that's what you are seeing?
Jun 17, 2003 Rabid Panda link
same roid, some pos, different angles, dramatic differences.
Jun 18, 2003 raybondo link
Oh yeah, that.
That's a rendering bug on the mac.
For some reason it disables the secondary light of some objects in certain viewing angles. I need to track that down.

In the mean-time, you can turn off bumpmaps in the Video Options.