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Logitech Dual Action Gamepad woes
I bought a Logitech Dual Action Gamepad and it's been great for roms and other games, but VO only seems to recognize the right stick, and only affects the throttle with it. otherwise, it doesn't seem to work. It shows up in the joystick tab, but I don't see how to set the other stick etc.
anyone have the same stick? I am on OS x 10.4 on a G4 Powerbook
anyone have the same stick? I am on OS x 10.4 on a G4 Powerbook
I'll check that out on Thursday. Unfortunately I didn't notice this thread until now.
thanks ray!
You're welcome. I didn't have time to do it Thursday, but I'll definitely do it Friday.
Ok, I tried it and it worked fine here on a G5 with 10.4.7, but it didn't work when I accidentally had that USBOverdrive program enabled.
So, if you have that installed, make sure you disable it for vendettaclient.
So, if you have that installed, make sure you disable it for vendettaclient.
I didn't have USBOverdrive installed, but had gamepad companion. I uninstalled it and got a little more out of the joystick, it would boost and fire, and I got it to roll by setting the zaxis, so it is responding, but I couldn't steer. didn't try remapping all the keys to the pad, mostly out of time, but I'll give it another try later on. I'm curious how you have it set up.
thanks for looking into this for me.
thanks for looking into this for me.
Hm. It would be interesting to know if USBOverdrive X also interfered with normal joysticks. Too bad I stashed away my own. Does anyone know about that?
If it interfered with the dual action gamepad, I don't see why it wouldn't interfere with any other joystick.
logitech uses weird "drivers" I am not too fond of their joysticks.
Have you had any luck with your logitech game pad? I am using mine with pretty good success. I don't use game companion at all...only the VO native interface. Let me know if you need any ideas.