Forums » MacOS X


May 16, 2006 Dark Knight link
May 16, 2006 moldyman link
PowerPC for the win! Down with the Intel! Enjoy your viruses SUCKERS!
May 16, 2006 roguelazer link
Yes, because architecture has ANYTHING to do with viruses.

Parent = [-1 Troll]


On a side note, I'd get one right now if I had any benchmarks on how the GMA950 does, any reviews on the strange-looking keyboard (I use a KeyTronic on my desktop that feels -almost- like a real keyboard. Eww for plasticky keys like everything MS and Logitech make), and any word on whether it has the Mysterious Whine of Doom.
May 17, 2006 greengeek link
I'd imagine it will perform similarly to the Intel Mac Minis, since they use mostly the same hardware. The MacBook may be a bit better by virtue of having slightly faster versions of the Core Duo (for now). Likely it will be able to play VO with the high-level eye candy turned off, if you load it up with RAM.