Forums » MacOS X

Just for the record....

Feb 12, 2006 Dark Knight link
Look at the Mac OS X forum, and the kind of posts we've got on the first page of topics.

Bad News

Problematic Meteors
Dead Hard Drive
/me takes a hammer to the AirPort Extreme....
MightyMouse scroll wheel is not recognized

Good News

G6 iPod???
Win some stuff!
Apple has owned peecees
Got an iMac? Check here:
Intel iMac and Powerbooks...
10.4.4 Available
Curious... Mac Graphics settings
iMac G5

Now look at the Windows forum. There, we have titles like:

Bad News

Connection Problems
keyboard lock up
1.0.9: Locks up on load
Latency issues
unable to download patch
Update utility not updating

Good News

Oh, wait. There isn't any.

Now, look at when the posts were made. The Mac forum's first page goes from October 25th, 2005 (excluding this thread). The Windows forum's first page goes Jan 26th, 2005. Gee, I wonder which one's more active. Hmm.

Anyway, the point of this thread? It's third on the Apple "Good News" list.

Apple FTW
Feb 15, 2006 RattMann link
Right On !!!!!
Feb 17, 2006 LeberMac link
Yeah. pwnage.
Feb 21, 2006 GRAIG link
Mac Rules !!!
Feb 22, 2006 futhamucka link
I'm not being funny, but the last time i had an argument with a winbloze zealot was when i was 12. I'm now 17. Can we not rise above these idiotic PC users who have sheep-syndrome, and just leave them to it? Let's face it, I could write up a list as long as an elephant's.... trunk.... as to why macs are better than PCs, and the only agument for PC users is 'we have more mmo's', which is horseshit anyway. Can we not be a little more mature about ourselves and accept that there are people in the world that just like PCs? You're making the macintosh community look bad by sayin 'macz pwn' anyway.
Feb 22, 2006 Doukutsu link
Thats a very mature name you've got there. But yeah, you've got a point. Personally, I'd like for mac to remain the underdog for a few reasons. One of them being keeping the viruses / trojans / etc. down to a minimum, even if they are harder to make on a mac.
Feb 23, 2006 Dark Knight link
Yes, let us leave the sheeple to their inferior OSes.
Feb 24, 2006 LeberMac link
Dark Knight! You tempted fate, now we have TWO Mac Viruses! This is YOUR fault!
Feb 25, 2006 Dark Knight link
/me hangs his head in shame
Feb 26, 2006 macguy link
YAY! My thread is the 3rd one on the good news list! Yes, macs rule woo hoo. I've NEVER owned a pc, and I probaly never will.