Forums » MacOS X
G6 iPod???
Well, what I saw was a supposed "leak" of a new (possible) product, a 6G iPod.
"6th Generation?" Not a G6. Unfortunately, a link on that page led me to another
web-site dealing with High-Definition displays that I have been reading for about
two and a half hours. For this I both thank you AND curse you, because otherwise
I would have been playing Vendetta....
"6th Generation?" Not a G6. Unfortunately, a link on that page led me to another
web-site dealing with High-Definition displays that I have been reading for about
two and a half hours. For this I both thank you AND curse you, because otherwise
I would have been playing Vendetta....
..right 6th generation. I know. You think i'm dumb enough to think that
a) they are putting a G6 processor in an iPod, and
b) they even have a G6 processor, or that they ever will.
thank for you time
a) they are putting a G6 processor in an iPod, and
b) they even have a G6 processor, or that they ever will.
thank for you time
No need to get your shorts in a bunch, dude.
I intended no sarcasm...
I intended no sarcasm...