Forums » MacOS X

Win some stuff!

Feb 07, 2006 thergvk link
wouldnt it be so cool to win all this stuff!
Feb 07, 2006 macguy link
That's nuts, 10,000 USD gift card to the itunes store for any media type(i.e. video is included). Also the imac and ten 60 gig ipods(5 white 5 black) that's pretty sweet.
Feb 07, 2006 RattMann link
US$10,000 music card? Bullshit. Give me the cash !!!!
Feb 08, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
Split it up and sell it on ebay.
Feb 11, 2006 RattMann link
No f-ing way. Just give me the money.
Feb 11, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
But you don't seem to realize, giving away money means you have choice, the choice to not buy apple products. Apple is a business, not a gameshow.
Feb 27, 2006 RattMann link
And my choice would be to buy a top-of-the-line Mac with the fastest processors
(multi-core) the best two DVD drives, Ram to the max, and the biggest Apple flat
panel display in the UNIVERSE !!! And if there is any cash left, as much Mac software
as I can get !!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU DIG IT ???????????????