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Getting music from game files

May 19, 2005 Killer Squirrel link
Is there any way to extract the music from the games files, I have never found any of the .ogg files that have been mentioned before in other posts, and am begining to wonder if it is not possible to do this with the mac version.

-Dark Tide
May 20, 2005 roguelazer link
They're embedded into the media.rlb file. The .ogg files mentioned reference to the facts that the game music is encoded as ogg vorbis files, and that the engine can play arbitrary ogg vorbis files.
May 20, 2005 Killer Squirrel link
Is there a way I can copy them out of the files so that I can play them outside of the game and burn the on a CD?
May 20, 2005 jjoonathan link
if the ogg format has a header type, search for that...
May 22, 2005 Killer Squirrel link
Searching didn't work, still can't get to the files.

-Dark Tide
May 22, 2005 jjoonathan link
No, I mean search in the media files for the header type. These will be in one file, not seperate files. Ofcourse, it may very well be encrypted...
May 25, 2005 Killer Squirrel link
The media files are all compressed into one file
May 30, 2005 Solra Bizna link
media.rlb is either encrypted, compressed, or both.
Jun 01, 2005 Killer Squirrel link
How do I uncompress or un encrypt it?
Jun 02, 2005 roguelazer link
Figure out the devs' huffman tree?