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DS4windows controller mapping

Aug 26, 2020 Jakob LeMort link
I am back after many years and happy to see the game is thriving.

My issue is that I'm trying to use DS4Windows with a Dual Shock controller. This works well on every other game i have used it with (sometimes needing a little profile tweeking) but on VO only a few of the buttons are recognized at all.

Does anyone have a DS4Windows profile that works with VO or some pointers on setting one up?

Sep 18, 2020 incarnate link
We have tested the DS4 on various platforms in the past, but we're still working from home, and our testing joysticks are all at the office.

However, I don't think we've ever tested it with some kind of special software layer. Have you tried simply using the DS4 without "DS4Windows"?

If that is doing some kind of USB button-naming reassignment, it could actually break compatibility with our game? But, that's just a guess, I'm not really familiar with this.
Sep 19, 2020 Jakob LeMort link
Thanks for the reply. My understanding is that DS4 is not natively compatible with Windows and DS4Windows is needed to make it work on that platform. It allows creation of mapping profiles to allow use with any sort of input requirement. As I said, I've used it successfully with every other game I've tried. I was hoping that someone had encountered this before. Guess I'm out of luck, for now anyway. Thanks.
Nov 24, 2020 yodaofborg link
Just a note: If you use DS4Windows with VO you MUST set the option to hide the DS4 controller or it will not work properly. VO does support DS4 controllers without this application (as does Steam, Uplay and many many other recent games - you only need Ds4 > XINPUT programs when native application support isn't there - usually older titles that came out pre-PS4 of course won't work without it or Steam, unless they got a recentish update to add it), but some of the buttons (share and options) will not remap in this mode, also you cannot use the trackpad for anything useful. With DS4Windows you can remap everything and even turn/shoot with the trackpad if you like.

So while DS4Windows isn't needed for VO, sometimes it is nice to have. It does work, you just have to select the "hide DS4 controller" option in DS4Win settings or VO will pick up both button presses (from the DS4 controller, and the emulated XINPUT device), and it will have a bad day. If hiding the controller does not work on your system, either google it (it is usually a program that draws an overlay blocking the controller, like Steam, or the Xbox game bar), or use native mode. I notice no difference in latency when using either method, but sometimes DS4Win does bug out on you, so do bare that in mind if you have controller issues when using it.