Forums » Windows
Game repatching every time i launch it.
Ok this is annoying.. I just installed vista on my system.. and i saved my old settings files from XP.. but ever since ive installed it on vista it updates from 1.8.66 to 1.8.67 EVERYTIME i launch it.. which takes about 15 min. Anyone have any ideas?
I would do a chkdsk /r
yeah ive done that.. as well as run memtest86 and the windows memory checker. (oh and a defrag just cause). but its still happening... actually Im pretty sure its a windows error now cause im getting random mem dumps for no reason.. but hell if i can find whats causeing it (and yes i know thats usually a mem error or something hardware but everything is checking out)
You can usually fix vista by putting you're OS disk in while the OS is booted and do an "Upgrate Install", its gonna write over all the os files but its gonna leave drivers, programs (most of the registry) and files intact so you don't lose anything and it fixes the issue 85% of the time.