Forums » Suggestions

Radical Reputation Suggestion

Mar 12, 2005 roguelazer link
Right now, we have three types of space. Guarded, Monitored and Everything Else. I understand the first and the last, but what is "Monitored" space? Does the local faction have a big magic satellite dish poited at "Monitored" sectors? What I instead propose is making "Monitored" a tad bit different:

Monitored Space
These sectors would have small undockable stations in them that monitor stuff. These wouldn't do anything but look nice for now, but could later be used as a base for player created stations, turrets, and all sorts of other niceties.

Right now, there's very little reason to go for +1000. What I suggest is that once a player reaches +1000 with a nation, they become a "monitor" and report back to their faction stuff that happens around them. I have yet to decide whether this should be automatic or via a /report command, but this would add a whole new dimension to gameplay, no?

Mar 12, 2005 macguy link
Ohhhh I really like this! Nice idea roguelazer!

Sounds like a really cool idea, especialy that last part about +1000 players.
Mar 13, 2005 Tyrdium link
[Stamp o' approval]