Forums » Suggestions
Petition to bring back in-sector kill messages
The idea here is simple enough:
Those little kill messages you see at the top of your screen? "<yourname> killed Dentek collector blah." etc... everyone in the same sector as you used to be able to see those. This is a petition to allow everyone in the same sector to see the kill messages.
I want as many people as possible to respond to this. Just post if you approve or disapprove.
Those little kill messages you see at the top of your screen? "<yourname> killed Dentek collector blah." etc... everyone in the same sector as you used to be able to see those. This is a petition to allow everyone in the same sector to see the kill messages.
I want as many people as possible to respond to this. Just post if you approve or disapprove.
Approve, at least within a certain distance, say 3 clicks. More than once I've been left wondering if someone was destroyed or if they had jumped out of the sector.
Disapprove - fog of war is part of the fun; joining a group helps dissipating it.
Rather than a petition, let's have more reasons why it would be a good idea.
A petition here seems to say "this bunch of people were moved to say they wanted it, so you'd better do it", whereas a good argument is much more valuable and persuasive. Moofed got it right.
A petition here seems to say "this bunch of people were moved to say they wanted it, so you'd better do it", whereas a good argument is much more valuable and persuasive. Moofed got it right.
i'd say yes, but only when things occur in radar range.
Ships sensors would be able to detect that fine, and it means you don't have to go around looking for who's not on the sector list any more when you see an explosion.
Limit it to radar range to preserve the fog of war somewhat, and it'd be cool.
Ships sensors would be able to detect that fine, and it means you don't have to go around looking for who's not on the sector list any more when you see an explosion.
Limit it to radar range to preserve the fog of war somewhat, and it'd be cool.
I agree with the 3 klicks limit.
[stamp of approval]
Okay FM, how's this:
A big part of Vendetta Online is based on friendly competition and PvP. Part of the fun in competing is pride in accomplishment, and sharing this accomplishment with others. In-sector kill messages foster friendly competition by communicating one's own accomplishment in battle to other nearby players.
A big part of Vendetta Online is based on friendly competition and PvP. Part of the fun in competing is pride in accomplishment, and sharing this accomplishment with others. In-sector kill messages foster friendly competition by communicating one's own accomplishment in battle to other nearby players.
Yup, that's the idea ;)
By the way, I don't like the idea. I think it's too FPS and that one should have to communicate with others in the sector to learn what happened. Also, if you'll allow me to bring a little reality in here (on a leash, or course, let's not get crazy) what would the mechanism be and why would it exist?
Edit: Ya Moofed, you've assumed correctly and stated it more accurately below.
By the way, I don't like the idea. I think it's too FPS and that one should have to communicate with others in the sector to learn what happened. Also, if you'll allow me to bring a little reality in here (on a leash, or course, let's not get crazy) what would the mechanism be and why would it exist?
Edit: Ya Moofed, you've assumed correctly and stated it more accurately below.
Assuming mechanism means "what in the vendetta universe justifies the existence of this", a list of ships in the current sector already exists and you can even target them from that list. So displaying a "FM has been destroyed" message is just comparing the current list to the list from 5 seconds ago. Presumably the radar can differentiate an explosion from a jump signature.
For this to be kept "real" we'd either have to display messages for kills anywhere in the sector (which I don't want), or modify the list to only show ships in targeting range. I'd also say that the killer should not be displayed, only the victim.
For this to be kept "real" we'd either have to display messages for kills anywhere in the sector (which I don't want), or modify the list to only show ships in targeting range. I'd also say that the killer should not be displayed, only the victim.
from my experiencce, people don't ask "who just died?", they asked "who killed him/her?". So not showing WHO did it would make that really pointless.
True, but it'll keep some of the player communication that FM is concerned about, while still providing useful information during large battles.
Yes Moofed, that is what I meant. Thanks for that.
The more I think about it, the more questions I come up with. How do the factions know who has killed who in monitored sectors? I apologize for muddying the waters with reality or even quasi-reality. I retract that portion of my argument.
The more I think about it, the more questions I come up with. How do the factions know who has killed who in monitored sectors? I apologize for muddying the waters with reality or even quasi-reality. I retract that portion of my argument.