Forums » Suggestions

Team scores

Jan 26, 2005 Furious link
Alright, I'm bored again and have yet another suggestion.

Team scores. Some sort of composite score based on the performance of the various members of the Serco or Itani nations. This could be used to gauge how the two nations are doing in their "war".

This would give people an overall goal to strive towards.
I suppose you could even penalize a team for player deaths (gasp).

Another related point would be some sort of personal score, which could be used to calculate the team score.

The team score should probably be based off individual player scores divided by their online time. That way if one side plays twice as much as the other there will still be some parity.

Post a ranking of the top 100 players and then people can work towards improving their ranking. It would also allow other player to know who to watch out for or who to try to kill.
Jan 26, 2005 roguelazer link
And a player score is what exactly? This isn't some FPS where everything is determined by one number (IE: kills). A trader and a fighter may both be at the top of their respective fields, but the numbers won't match up at all- one will have more money and a higher trade license and the other will have more kills and a higher aggregate combat license. How about somebody who does both? How about somebody who's a brillian pilot but doesn't bother leveling up in anything?
Jan 26, 2005 johnhawl218 link
There is already a war between Itani and Serco with the ctc, why not make a guild war system, after all, guilds are big teams are they not. Calculate the skirmishs between guilds. Who has the most kills and from which guilds. Would allow us to track who is killing who and who isn't. There are more then enough guilds to make this feasable.

Perhaps at the end of a given week, a specific guild wins a new weapon like the neut3 or perhaps a ship varient, or a discount on goods, etc.
Jan 26, 2005 Furious link
Yeah, the trick is to figure out a scoring system that reflects activity that would be considered good for the team. It could be some combination of total xp, player kills, bot kills, money, and player deaths.

The precise formula could be worked out later... what I want to know is if people think having such a thing is a good idea or not...
Jan 26, 2005 Nya13 link
why not a list of the players kill?

like the cargo captures :

we will able to see the Classification.

Player names : Itani kill - Serco kill - UIT kill - Total kill
Jan 26, 2005 Furious link
because some people like trading and the traders are necessary to maintain the economy during a war. To base it strictly on kills would exclude those players or undervalue them because they don't PvP.

Like I said before.. don't get hung up on the mechanics of the scoring, tell me how you think having a score would affect gameplay.
Jan 26, 2005 roguelazer link
I think it would negatively affect gameplay. The great thing about Vendetta is that it is so open. There's no "scores" to worry about. I find scores non-realistic and irrelevant. We did used to have 'em, ya know.
Jan 26, 2005 Furious link
Alright, but what about a team score? To motivate people to do stuff for their team.. there is supposed to be a war going on here, right?
Jan 26, 2005 roguelazer link
I think that would be better solved by using the mission framework to make storyline-oriented missions than by the devs trying to create a whole new score framework. But that's their decision, ayuh?
Jan 26, 2005 johnhawl218 link
perhaps keep score of boarder patrol mission, Queen kills, completed trade missions, mining missions, etc. the whole thing. Not kills per say, but missions. This would drive people to do more mission based play, and or, go after those doing the missions so that they will get a lower rating in the standings. "Teams" would be guilds. Those unguilded could be classified as "Outlaws" or something.
Jan 26, 2005 roguelazer link
But people don't necessarily do missions. CtC isn't a mission. Traders don't get rich off missions. Who does border patrol these days, when it's 30 minutes from CtC territory?
Jan 26, 2005 johnhawl218 link
that's kind of the point, to get people to do the content that we DO have and at the same time, earning points towards an end, perhaps even a monthly/weekly award like the neut3's, etc. It gets you more envolved with the world and the backstory. Personally I would do boarder patrols if they offered them in UIT space. If they do I have yet to see one. And again, I think that "teams" are "guilds" so rank the scores as totals from all the players from a guild into one lump score, and rank against the others. You want your guild on top you better get out there and do missions, etc. Or you can feed off of them with the added activity of the trades and miners and boarder guards. I thought this was a win win, guess not. =(