Forums » Suggestions

make 'guild' 'group' and 'sector' to be channels

Jan 15, 2005 ananzi link
consider this:

make 'guild' a channel,
make 'group' a channel,
make 'sector' a channel,
allow us to '/join' those channels, so then by default all 'chat' messages we type would go to the channel we have 'joined'.

Include the ability to /msg directly to channels you arent on, like '/msg 100 blahblahblah' or '/msg guild blahblahblah' or '/msg sector blahblahblahblah' as well. Map the normal 'shift-T', 'g', 'shift-g', whatever, to just automatically act like 'msg' commands so you dont have to type out '/msg ' every time. Thus it will be backwards compatible with the current version's behavior, so the old folks wont get all POed.


because it would stop people from accidentally typing in the wrong channel all the time.

Jan 15, 2005 Solra Bizna link
/say_group, /say_guild, /say_sector, /say_channel, /say_mission
Though it would be nice to be able to bind something to "/say_channel 11 Get off yer lazy bums, I'm the only one out here!"
Jan 15, 2005 Beolach link
/alias just_for_Solra "join 11; say_channel 'Get off yer lazy bums, I'm the only one out here!'; join 100"
/bind <something> just_for_Solra

Of course, if you started from a different channel than 100, you still end up in 100, not where ever you started.