Forums » Suggestions


Jan 06, 2005 Tashazar link
I Dont understand why a Serco with cl4 can have Neutrons 3's and an Itani cl9 can only have level 2 ,Is it better to be small ? ? This game has alot of problems , some of them stem becouse the Devs are Pirates in Secret ? ? I Come here to have Fun , not be made fun of and I think the devs are working against the players that are trying hard to Build their chairs, and are Buddys with the Whineing pirates , I think 10%loss for a bOUNTY kILL IS KINDA sMALL , AND THEY HAVE HOW MANY hUNDREDS OF PLAYER kILLS ? ? THERE IS OVER 80 MEMBERS IN THE GUILD i BELONG TO ,BUT WE HAVE nO vOISE ,,, SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT AS i SEE IT , pirates gotta go , OR YOU WANT A gAME THATS NOT HAPPY ? ? AS THATS WHATS hAPPINING !
Jan 06, 2005 Tashazar link
damn caps ! ! ! !
Jan 06, 2005 link
Tashazar, the reason you don't have Neut 3's in because the Itani's haven't won a CTC in weeks.

Aside from a few pirates, most of the pirates player kills, to the best of my knowledge, come from other pirates. Yes some pirates do kill everyone but they aren't that threatening.

If you don't like pirates don't use grey space for character building. if you have problems with pirates, just discuss it with them, often they are prepared to resolve the issue. There are whole guilds built around the concept of pirate hunting, piracy keeps players alert and introduces something that is needed in this game, bad guys.

Now if only pirates could come to agree on standard so it's fair to everyone in a very nasty , criminal way.
Jan 06, 2005 Whistler link


Let's begin with, the Devs are far too busy to be "pirates in secret". Aside from that, pirating would have no purpose for them as they can create massive wealth with a few keystrokes, are able to buy anything they want at the development station in the development sector, and have been playing the game for so long that "pwning" players lost it's charm some years ago. Further, the developers have a big financial stake in having users do well and enjoy themselves, so "working against players" would be awfully silly, wouldn't it?

This entire website is your voice, and users have a tremendous amount of say in what goes on with Vendetta, more than you will encounter anywhere else.

There is still some tweaking that needs to happen to keep things from getting out of hand, but the danger of piracy is part of why profits are higher in grey space. Piracy IS part of Vendetta.

I don't know who you think is making fun of you, but I doubt it was a Dev. I just spoke to someone in-game who was impersonating a Dev, so perhaps that was it. The Devs are Incarnate, a1k0n, raybondo, and El Guapo. They will not address you via any other character.

You might want to rethink your rant and perhaps edit down into a suggestion.

[locked to prevent flaming]