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make CTC cargo storable, or at least don't expire...
Today marks the first time CTC cargo was stolen by pirates and sold to a private citizen (name witheld) who bought it for personal reasons.
I find the whole concept hilarious, but a lot of fun! This is the best "role playing" experience I've had.
I was wondering if the DEVS can make the CTC cargo storable, say in Corvus stations, or at least don't expire (so the pirates can "bury" their treasure in roid fields :P)), so the pirates don't have to carry the cargo around while waiting for the highest bidder.
The only problem I can see is that this may be exploited : one party take all the cargo and store it somewhere to make the CTC score illusionary (just make the cargo expire at the end of each CTC round to prevent "hedging cargo for next roound"). But I thin k by making the amount of "lost cargo" public in the CTC page will prevent this exploit.
What do you all think?
Today marks the first time CTC cargo was stolen by pirates and sold to a private citizen (name witheld) who bought it for personal reasons.
I find the whole concept hilarious, but a lot of fun! This is the best "role playing" experience I've had.
I was wondering if the DEVS can make the CTC cargo storable, say in Corvus stations, or at least don't expire (so the pirates can "bury" their treasure in roid fields :P)), so the pirates don't have to carry the cargo around while waiting for the highest bidder.
The only problem I can see is that this may be exploited : one party take all the cargo and store it somewhere to make the CTC score illusionary (just make the cargo expire at the end of each CTC round to prevent "hedging cargo for next roound"). But I thin k by making the amount of "lost cargo" public in the CTC page will prevent this exploit.
What do you all think?
Heh, I like this a _lot_. Making CtC cargo floating in space not time out could be problematic, but allowing pirates to store CtC cargo in Corvus Hold would be doable, I think.
Arr... discount the corsairs will you? no discount for you! :D
Actually, Cargo has been traded with before. Sorry, not the first time :)
However, making the timeout increase would be nice. However docking and offsite storage I disagree with, it makes the game too easy to just cap, stash and be done with, since it completely ruins the retake aspect of the game. (do you think only roleplayers will do it? ... heh)
However, making the timeout increase would be nice. However docking and offsite storage I disagree with, it makes the game too easy to just cap, stash and be done with, since it completely ruins the retake aspect of the game. (do you think only roleplayers will do it? ... heh)
I couldn't be more against this.
I'd actually like to see CTC cargo time out quicker
and I'd like to see cargo units lost in explosions, so If i scoop up 8 units and get blown up, only 7 survive.
That way at least my death helped a tiny bit. :D
I'd actually like to see CTC cargo time out quicker
and I'd like to see cargo units lost in explosions, so If i scoop up 8 units and get blown up, only 7 survive.
That way at least my death helped a tiny bit. :D
IMO the timeout on CtC cargo is fine.
I am completely against being able to store CtC cargo anywhere. The ability to do so would:
-make it far too easy to store the cargo somewhere until vendetta has few players on, allowing it to be transported home in safety.
-make the scoreboard completely useless, as both sides would just keep cargo stashed until the round was about to end.
I am completely against being able to store CtC cargo anywhere. The ability to do so would:
-make it far too easy to store the cargo somewhere until vendetta has few players on, allowing it to be transported home in safety.
-make the scoreboard completely useless, as both sides would just keep cargo stashed until the round was about to end.