Forums » Suggestions

Believing in the Universe

Dec 09, 2004 spaniard link
Wandering around V-O makes the whole place seem devoid of life other than bots. The stations seem like random relics with little occurring on them. There is the occasional person that you see around, but the general lack of missions (execept those one level ahead) makes the universe less believable.

One thing that would really help would be the ability of players to trade and interact in the world by trading items, money or anything else. Or even allowing user-created missions to show up on the Mission BBS would help.
Dec 09, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
just cruise around gray space wormholes.
Dec 09, 2004 johnhawl218 link
doesn't sound like hes looking for pvp action. Grey space is mostly that.
Dec 09, 2004 Forum Moderator link

A larger mission tree is in the works. The current missions are certainly rudimentary.

Crafting is also planned, though we'll have to wait for the next progress announcement to know how soon.

You can already transfer money, but it's not much good unless you can trade items too.
Dec 09, 2004 Solra Bizna link
<SolraBizna> Wanna buy a NeutIII?
<RandomUITPlayer> shure how much
<SolraBizna> I'll trade it to you for 10,000 credits.
<RandomUITPlayer> ok

Sounds fun. A few of my alts would probably get REALLY into that. :)
Dec 09, 2004 doubled link
heh more like:
<RandomUITPlayer> Sure I'll take 20.
Dec 09, 2004 shock link
I would like to hear what is in the works. All of the subscribers have lots of good ideas, but I don't always hear directly what is in the works or new from the Devs them selves.

If there isn't already (I apologize if  I missed it) I would like to see a board or posting done just by the devs. showing what has been added, and when. Also I would like to see what features are being worked on right now. I hear about all of this through suggestions posts on the message board, but then I am not as clear what actually is being done, lots of suggestions mixed in with the rumors.

to hear what IS being worked on rather than a thousand good ideas will be a clearer indication on which direction the game is going.
Dec 09, 2004 Soltis link
The problem is that the devs are really very busy(4 guys) and making pages of posts about what they are working on takes time away from them they could just as easily be using to work on the game.

Also, some of the changes they make are secret - things that they don't WANT players to know about in advance, because the changes might make people exploit this or that aspect of the game so they can 'get all they can' before the devs rebalance things.
Dec 09, 2004 Forum Moderator link
You can get this info from the News and In Progress links to the left. In Progress can use a little update, but News kinda covers it.

I don't think they'll be retroactively making a list of things they've done and when. That seems a little redundant.
Dec 09, 2004 spaniard link
Just another thought:

Why would the universe only allow people to travel between systems in more or less a circular fashion? There should be more systems in the middle of the map and more than one battlefront between the factions. The existence of temporary wormholes may be one way to address this in the short term.

I also realize now that most of what I'm imagining is covered in the "content" suggestions post. Essentially, this universe is far too clean-cut and lacks the façade that would go with all the history that has been laid down.
Dec 09, 2004 spaniard link
I think the most important part is that each station in each system has something different to offer. This does involve quite a bit setup by developers, unless crafting comes into place along with the player trade system. Although, this would probably not solve the problem completely, since it doesn't give players a reason to choose one station over another for a place to go ex ante. But perhaps this randomness is what the developers are hoping will define and shape their universe.
Dec 09, 2004 KixKizzle link
"Why would the universe only allow people to travel between systems in more or less a circular fashion? There should be more systems in the middle of the map and more than one battlefront between the factions. The existence of temporary wormholes may be one way to address this in the short term."

It's covered in the backstory.

/givemoney Devs 2c