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Identification & missions

Nov 22, 2004 Epideme link
1) Could the chat have an option to turn on different colours for each nation? eg Dark Blue Itani, Gold UIT, red Serco.

2) Some Missions are not incompatible with others - could we be allowed to take multiple missions.

3) Missions do not tell what the rewards are until you have completed them. This would be useful in deciding which missions to undertake.

4) Mining prospecting missions do not currently improve your mining licence at all... only trade & commerce, they should at least improve the licence a little.

And finally some means of discovering where a pilot is... either a mission posting or a private msg from another pilot - would probably need the givemoney command to be extended across systems rather than limited.
Nov 22, 2004 Spellcast link
We used to have number 1, I would also like to see it return.

number 2 is along the lines of a gameplay decision by the devs, we've asked for that in the past but so far they seem to be sticking to the 1 mission at a time thing. Presumably as more content is added the reason for this will become apparent.

3 is also a commonly requested feature.

4 is a logical change, and is the way it is currently because until last week we didnt have mining levels.

I'm not sure i understand your last comment. To find out where a friend is, you just /msg them and ask. In any event i wouldnt want it to be automatic, Then the pirates would always be able to tell where everyone is at.
I fail to see what that has to do with the givemoney command however.
Nov 22, 2004 johnhawl218 link
I have seen the comment "We had this before, and I'd like to see it brought back" a lot in the last few days of reading the suggestion boards. It sounds to me that this game used to really kick some ass until you nerfed it down to a programers final project in school. What happened to all the niceties that you had in the game during beta and before. It seems to me that you did WAY to much stripping down before you made the game public. Your basically making us pay for half a game until you can do SOMETHING, what that is I"m not sure.

Now on to the topic at hand. I too would like to see multicolored text in the general channels.

I would ALSO like to be able to take on multipule missions at one time. Whos to say that you can't be in the middle of a cargo run for a station and take out a few bots that would work for the combat mission.

The mission briefings should be much more detailed, at least the reward should be knows, AT LEAST!!!!

I'm sure that the prospecting missions will increase your mining licence in an update, it's a natual change to make, we'll see…

Hopefully soon with the BBS set up in all the stations it will be somewhat easier to find people or missions of interest.

Trading money across sectors would make sense if we were dealing with making a deposit to some centralized banking system but we aren't, as such we make trades to the individual and if they are not within the same sector that is no real way to make the transaction. This to me makes since, you can't see them you can't trade with them.
Nov 22, 2004 Spellcast link
-""I have seen the comment "We had this before, and I'd like to see it brought back" a lot in the last few days of reading the suggestion boards""-

Part of this is due to the fact that some of the back end server code was changed for the new universe, and some of the old features havent been updated to match. Some of it is the items that we would like to see brought back were such basic implimentations (like the capital ships) that they have no buisness being in the game until the devs have time to really work on them.
Nov 22, 2004 johnhawl218 link
Yes, cap ships is one of them, but I'm more referring to more costomization of ships and weapons. I saw somewhere that it was removed in favor of new system because of balancing issues. I personally think that by dimming downt he number of selectiosn they've done a disservice to the game. I'm sure they could havefound another way to fix the balancing issues that would have left all the customization in. It really boils down to simplicity or complexity and it seems that simlicity is winning for the worse, though I could be wrong and when all the code is fixed theres a diamond just waiting to be uncovered. Only time will tell for sure. =)
Nov 22, 2004 Spellcast link
customization of weapons choices is as high as its ever been. The ability to customize engines was removed because of a significant balance issue. The devs want (i think) to give each ship a series of engines that can be mounted only on it to allow some customization back into that without creating a ship/engine combo that is just overpowering. I have proposed a different soultion here.
Nov 22, 2004 lowguppy link
I agree with Epideme on 1-3, with apathy regarding 4. In addition to being able to run multiple missions and see more about them, we just plain need more cargo missions available including corporate missions in nation space.
Nov 23, 2004 Epideme link
With regards to the final paragraph, I was talking about when you wanted to track down a pilot... potentially paying for sightings etc. It could help pirates, but they would have to pay in the same way as everyone else, and of course the information might not be that good.

Of course the fact that the pirate was after that information might also be saleable...