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Combat Leveling Curve

Oct 03, 2004 boredoffmyass link
Since I started playing the beta things have been moving right along and i've been getting new levels, new guns, ships, etc etc... basically building my guy up and enjoying the game. Currently im 4/5/2/2 and im trying to work on getting combat up a level. Since I hit cl 4 the training mission changes from "kill anything you want" to... "go TRY and kill five of these". The combat mission takes entirely too long for one thing, and the enemies your up against are a bit more than challenging. Seems that every time you get a mission you have to fly through 3 wormholes just to get to where the enemy is, kill it and fly back to where you just came from to go to the next assigned target. If you do manage to complete a mission it gives you some lame amount of xp for it (250 i think it was). When you need 10000 to get to the next level, that adds up to a rediculous amount of time just to get one level.

On the other hand, i can go out and kill whatever i want using either light or heavy weapons, whichever i feel like gaining xp on, and get a crazy amount of xp in just a short time. To me this seems way unbalanced and somewhat frustrating at a sudden stop in progress.
Oct 04, 2004 Zulor link
Totaly agree, im 4/6/5/4 now, and every time i try to do the advanced combat mission i get killed after 2nd or 3rd bot and I get no bonus :(

Is the advanced combat mission the only way to get combat xp after lvl4 combat licens?

Im enjoying the game, but the advanced combat mission is way to hard IMO, so im stuck.

Yeah i know im a newbi and not the best pilot there is, but plz do something about this!
Oct 04, 2004 Magus link
Don't feel bad. I may not be on the level of Eldrad or anything, but I'm still a pretty good pilot and even I find the adv. combat missions tough. For now, just make a group by yourself and take a mission. The bots will be a lot more manageable.

Oh, and you automatically get kicked off the basic combat missions once you get past a certain point, so no luck.
Oct 04, 2004 Zulor link
well, not every1 want to play in groups and stuff, I realy think we should be able to get combat xp without having to travel across the whole universe and beeing grouped!

The problem isnt to kill "that" certain bot, but all the other bots that jumps u when u enter the sector.

Iv tried all types of ships and wpns, but no luck for me so far.
So if any1 have some super cool hints for me, its more then welcome :)
Oct 05, 2004 [Draco] link
Totaly agree with "bordoffmyass" and "Zulor" somthing has to be done to the matter. Getting combat xp after lvl4 sucks!
Oct 05, 2004 a1k0n link
Something is being done.

For now, we recommend you /group create and use the group combat version (i.e. group with just yourself, or invite others along, either way.), which is marginally better (you get a list of stuff to kill, and you don't have to run back and forth to kill one of each thing). Yes, the enemies at this level are too challenging with the equipment you're given, and that is being adjusted.

Waylon said he's going to change the format of the list of things you should go kill to "kill A OR B OR C" instead of "kill 5 A's, 6 B's, and 2 C's". The bonus would of course vary based on the difficulty of what you go after.
Oct 05, 2004 Korban link
Last night I grouped with one other person, we got missions to kill Kanniks and ApuTech-5's. I did the ApuTech's while they did the Kanniks. Worked pretty well.

I don't know if you always get bots the same as in the initial group, but the only time we got something that wasn't an ApuTech 5 or Kannik was when I accidently strafed myself right into an asteroid :(.
Oct 05, 2004 gcsantiago link
What disgust !
I'm on level 1/0/0/0 and I dont know exactly how can quicly up this levels and YOU are crying !!!!!

Joke, but seriusly now, please go on GENERAL forum and let us know some hints to grow up !
Oct 05, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
Well, for those of you who are looking to learn how to improve, there is a thread on the General forum titled "When." A bunch of us who've been around for a while have posted our character names for you to contact if you want a mentor. I'll probably be on in two hours from the time of this posting, and at least one of them will probably already be on.

As for those Advanced Combat missions, I think you should still try to do the single player combat missions. Granted, you'll die quite a lot in the beginning, but the point is gain the experience to fight them, right? Relatively quickly last night, I finally figured out how to change my fighting strategy to allow me to crack anything from the ApuTek-17 (and all its consorts), to the DenTek Assault, to the higher level guardian (i've forgotten the name), with nothing but a Centurion III armed with a single Tachyon II cannon. Course, if I get damaged past about 70%, I'll go back to repair - no need to risk it, right? Talk to me when I get on if you're still having trouble.