Forums » Suggestions

Dangerous trade missions.

Jul 08, 2004 simondearsley link

I took a trade mission from one of the NS stations to an Axia station in the middle of NT guarded space. I had to carry lots of cargo, so i took a Centaur. Now, NT hate me, so when i jumped into the first NT guarded sector, the defbots were all over me. I was a little slow to the wh, and they badly damaged me. The next jump through a guarded sector, I was killed. My own fault, I know, for not being nicer to NT pilots, but it was kind of fun, and kind of annoying at the same time. This got me thinking:

A new type of mission could be added depending on you faction standings and the path you must take to reach your destination. It could be a type of blokade running, or resupply mission.

The universe would need to be altered slightly, but not in a major way. One or two of the border systems between Itani and Serco space could be altered so that the wh leading to Itani space is guarded by Serco defbots, and vice versa. The stations in the sector would be a mix of itani and serco controlled, but with, a couple of 'disputed sectors' containg a station. Both Itani and Serco could dock at this station. The sector would be patrolled by both Itani and Serco defbots, but at different ranges. Sometimes the two sets of defbots would meet and fight, others they would be out of each others way.

Players would be able to take the blokade running/resupply missions to the disputed stations, or to their nations stations. The defbots either would attack anyone on a resupply mission regardles of the standing with the opposing faction, or accepting the mission would instantly make you KOS with the other faction. The successful completion of the mission woudld give you a larger xp bonus (and possible a small combat bonus), as well as a larger cash bonus. The flip side for some would be a standing penalty with the other faction for completing the mission.

Missions going in could be resupply medical equipment, weapons, ship components, troops etc. Missions going out could be medical evacuations, transport of the spoils of war etc.

Jul 08, 2004 oninoshiko link
we likey

Jul 10, 2004 harvestmouse link
=) sounds fun.
how about making the defbot respawn rate a little slow, so that you can fly a fighter, kill off the defbots, and hurriedly smuggle your cargo through before they respawn?
Jul 10, 2004 Magus link
Well, I think smuggling involves more stealth than brute strength. I'd rather people try to sneak by the defbots or run away from them rather than a flat out massacre.
Jul 11, 2004 AgY link
I always thought we have pirates to make trade missions dangerous :(.
Jul 11, 2004 toshiro link
hm i like the idea. distractors would get to be important once again.