Forums » Suggestions

Bar Suggestions

Jul 07, 2004 ctishman link
The spaceport bar is pretty bare right now. It's a chat room that just directs to the people in the station. However, the potential for so much is there. Here are a few suggestions for what I'd be overjoyed to see in a future spaceport saloon:

500-1000c/hour in 1-hour increments
Perhaps (and this could tie in with the suggestion for player-owned businesses, but that's another thread), some bars could offer "booths", which are in effect private rooms wherein players may just chat in private or set up a temporary shop for an hour or so with anyone who is in the booth. This type of interpersonal trading is the basis of the black market as it would completely avoid what is apparently a state-run bank. This needn't be all player-run either. NPCs could PM you at the bar and ask you to meet them at a table to booth over a proposal. This is a booth, not a hotel room, so you have to pay every hour, or you're kicked back to the bar and any NPC you're chatting with thinks you're a total cheapskate.

Bulletin Board
1000c/day paid in advance
For a fee, players could place a message on the board, and players watching the board could be alerted to upcoming booth sales, lost space-dogs bad punk concerts, etc.

Free (unless membership is required, or the bar owner says otherwise).
The bar itself would be the general chat room as we know it today. Get messaged by NPCs or other players about work, drink Serco Ale 'til your character passes out, whatever. Oh, and bars can be owned or occupied. For example, say 20 Serco warriors are sitting around enjoying their ale and some Itani comes in and asks for a glass of nano-nutrient solution, 5%, with ice. There could be trouble when that Itani heads for his Valk the next morning.

Play any of Guild's latest .ogg creations, which override any song playing through the internal .ogg player while a character is in the bar screen. When you're in your ship, you listen to your stereo, when you're at the bar, you get whatever that wanker at the jukebox with the quarters and the taste for James Taylor wants to hear. Booths are soundproofed.

Other ideas? Bring 'em out!
Jul 08, 2004 zamzx zik link
Jul 08, 2004 Eldrad link
texas hold'em with betting limited to the lowest total credits any of the players (who have anted in) have.
Jul 08, 2004 Celkan link
Not to mention I want my Makchuga back!
Jul 08, 2004 roguelazer link
All those ideas I like. Very much. If implimented, they would make the bar useful.
Jul 08, 2004 ctishman link
Start with simple slots, perhaps with pictures of the ships as the wheelie thingies?

I hear there's lots of slots in Verasi.

Huhhuhhuh... He said slots...
Jul 11, 2004 raybondo link
we are eventually going to add bulletin boards.
Jul 11, 2004 quiveri link
I wouldn't mind paying money to open up a temporary shop because:
a) I get rid of extra cargo
b) I make a few bucks out of it.
