Forums » Suggestions

The Front Line

Jun 26, 2004 UncleDave link
Between the Itani and Serco territory, wouldn't it be cool to have an entire system dedicated to the ongoing war between the two? You go in, are assigned a sector in which to fight, destroy as much as you can and gain massive amounts of combat experience from doing it (say 10x the current PK values). This would be great for those players who feel like letting off some steam, or perfecting their skills. Each sector in this warzone would be colored red or blue depending on the number of players in each, and you would be sent to whatever sector depending on your experience and kills so far- the odds higher stacked against you if you're a veteran, but launched into a 5v1 chasing-out of Eldy from a sector if youre a total newbie.

Upon destruction, you get reimbursed based on the damage you inflicted and bounties based on the kills you score. This would be reduced for the nation with the territory advantage to promote a balanced Itani:Serco population... am I rambling?

Jun 26, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
I like it...

An unallied sector that was constatly teetering between Itani and Serco control.

Hey, to encourage participation, there could be a bot that broadcasts once every 30-60 minutes the current standings in the war. Such as

"Serconian fighters have retaken system X, Itani raiders are expected to retaliate"
"Itani attack craft have pushed back the Serco offensive in system X, the Serco are expected to regroup for another push"

it would play strongly to the player's national allegence and probably envoke more people to go fight than just the old diehards.
Jun 26, 2004 Katarn link
More than 1 unallied sector, how about instability between the whole galaxy?
Occupation of sectors could result in a change in political control of a station in that sector, until an entire system could be taken over through monopolizing.

But please, I don't want any bot spamming
Jun 26, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Katarn, we're talking about all systems (with their 256 sectors) that clash between Serco and Itani space be converted into a front lines battlefield.

Why would the Serco and NT fight? The NT are supposedly peaceful traders and the Serco is a major combat force, the NT could never hope to engage the Serco Dominion and win. So why make that region unstable?

Serco and Itani though are at war. Serco has the might, but Itani has the tech. thus, it is a constant press of Brains vs Brauns.

I think that each individual sector should be able to change hands, creating a "realtime" and actionable battlefield. Thus, it has potential that a single Serco sector could be surrounded but out of that sector, large forces could strike the Itani sectors around it.

And I agree, there should not be bot spamming from an update bot. It should transmit if there is a major change (such as Serco or Itani takes EVERY sector in the system) or every 30-60 minutes reading casualities. Whatever side has the highest deaths, is set as 'loser' and the opposing nation is set as 'winner' and that nations report is broadcast once.

Serco: "Serconian fighters have retaken system X, Itani raiders are expected to retaliate"
Itani: "Itani attack craft have pushed back the Serco offensive in system X, the Serco are expected to regroup for another push"
Jun 26, 2004 electric27 link
I love Dave's idea. A combat zone. This is teetering on too complicated, but why not extend it a little? Say Serco take the ENTIRE system and drives the Itani out. That sector is under Serco control and now the next sector over will be the combat zone. Say Itani make a hard push and drive the Serco back, now it's back to the old one. This scenario is unlikely, but it could happen.
Jun 26, 2004 grunadulater link
That system'll definatly need mostly bots. Bots fighting bots with players in the mix.
Jun 26, 2004 HyperSpaz link
Too much lag with bots vs bots + players. Remember, we're setting up for *thousands* of players online, we won't be needing bots.

Secondly, I am so sick and tired of people referring to the history page! It is just being stupid when it effects the game! I mean...I can't kill Itani or else NT will hate me because the Devs decided that that is the fate of every NT player. And now you assume us *peaceful traders*?! I'VE PROBABLY KILLED 3X MORE PLAYERS THAN MOST OF YOU (from the last reset). And Itani are scientists? Wtf? Have they developed an Itani specific lazer cannon? No. And Serco are warlike? Nono, they are just bloodthirsty, *Itani* are warlike *cough* INM *cough*.

That's another thing the Devs should fix...while they should have a history page telling how the game got started...they shouldn't give pretences of what the nations are/should be like, no generalizations people!

And if this idea comes true, we (NT) *better* be able to participate...we should just have the choice of what side we get to play on.

Jun 26, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
NT are a loose rabble of people.

Mercenaries, pioneers, pirates pilferers...

They do what they feel like, they dont really have a nation just a confederacy. They will fight on the side that pays them the most or who they like the most...

Serco are a group that is on its way for a war, nothing states that a war is busy, just that they are warlike and wouldnt mind going to war.

Itani were scientists that shame themselves for their previous actions. And act therefore with a lot more reservation and with more diplomacy then before. It doenst mean that they wont put up a fight, it doesnt mean that they are th emost advanced now, it just means that in history they always had the most advanced ships.

History is a base but does not rule the future. Otherwise you could errorless predict the movements of the stockexchange. "if you ever can, please be so kind to inform me of any good investments, I would be seriously gratefull :D"

PS: hyperspaz, inm wasnt supposed to be griefers, but they do however attack people that do kill other people relentless. If you did that then youll be punished by them yes. It was the same thing as a government. If you misbehave on nations citizens then expect a harsh punishment. But in reality the army or cops should execute it, in the game the inm executed it. But you know as wel that every police- or military action is inherently flawed with the people in power. But without feedback from CiVILIANS "pacifistical people", nothing will change. And no the word of a criminal isnt written in a high view, even if he speaks the truth "since you cant trust them".

Jun 26, 2004 genka link
Now, I didn't read most of this thread, but I did get to the point where someone mentions that "Itani and Serco are at war." I've heard that quite a bit in the last few months, for the most part from the same people, and honestly it's starting to piss me off. Mainly because there is absolutely nothing anywhere which even suggests a violent conflict between the two nations. In fact, the only major piece of evidence, the faction standings at the creation of a new character, suggest an uneasy peace rather than war. Normally, I'd make a new paragraph here, but haven't that much to say, so bear with me. As far as I can remember, all this "war" bull was not something that existed straight off, but rather something which came out of the crazy capping conflicts in around the early fall time-frame. That was a product of peoples frustration and anger, and I have never seen anything good come out of such materials.

Obviously I could be wrong, but until Ray or someone comes out and says that yes, there is a war, I am standing by my opinion.
Jun 26, 2004 Tilt152 link
I don't really like this type of idea at all. Though I was hoping for more of a player political atmosphere with player created guild relation ships as such going on beside all of this nation vs nation war which previously happened back in the test days with CTF as such where if your target was not in the same nation you were in he would show up as red on radar.

Plus players with AI wing man flying with them wouldn't be any good as well with "thousands of players" that will be on this server soon.
Jun 27, 2004 toshiro link
i agree with genka, to an extent. i, for myself, believe that up to now it is the player's decision alone whether he joins the war or not.
the problem of conflicts will be more noticeable when a lot of people are on and you're rushed into a conflict (matter of foe images). perhaps making "dissident" factions would alleviate the problem a bit?
Jun 27, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Im sorry to Toshiro and Genka because I must point out SEVERAL reasons that justify the war:

1) All Serco and Itani start out at "hate" status with each other while all nations start as Neutral with the NTs.

2) Both the Serco and the Itani are warlike, face the fact and accept it. Thus, both really want control of the other and envy the other for something.

The Serco envy the Itani's technology, primarily the Valkyrie
The Itani enby the Serco's fleets and power.

I agree however, that joining the conflict is upto the individual player, and that sometimes one player may accidentally get dragged into the conflict by others, but this isn't going to be a MAJOR problem.

Right now though, the war is primarily skirmishes against the opposition (OpFor) against the other side. Once stress testing opens full bore, the conflict could pick up rapidly.
Jun 27, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link

I consider that war to be event triggered. NOT based on our skirmishes. It will be the story that determines if there will be a war, not us.

Maybe we will have a small influence, maybe not, but it will be the story that will drive us through the game.

1) we start out at dislike, not hate.

2) We arent warlike, we just have a standing army left over from our days of criminal actvity ... Exact the same as the Europe army, it is there, but not really used as an offensive measure, at the moment. It can be, but not at its current capacity.


PS: when the devs announce that it is a full out war then I will state that you are correct. But still individuals will go in agaisnt a general trend. And some individuals will however not completely share the opinion of the general tendency. you will have to give leway to them.
Jul 03, 2004 sheepdog link
Can't we all just get a long? I think that the Serco and Itani need to sit down and deal with bigger problems like pirates.

(but back to the original idea) I really do like the control of a system idea. You should have to have the majority in a sector for, say, 2 hours, and you then have that sector, worry free for a few days (2 maybe?) the sector would still belong to the nation that claimed it, but it would now be able to be claimed. Also, you shuold have to control the sector next to the one you are trying to take, so, the wormholes coming from one nation are a given when the sector is up for grabs, or being contested. and the Wait time to move on to the next sector to annex should be at least 3 hours after you control your sector with 2/3 marjority.
Jul 03, 2004 danielky link
Pyroman, in your post from 6-26 @ 17:32, Serco and NT don't fight like Itani, but NT needs someone to fight. It does get kinda boring just botting/trading all day (even though most of us either do fight or just don't want to).

And also, even though Serco fights so much better than us, maybe we can pull of a Yankee Rev. War victory. Hmm?
Jul 03, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Im going to stick with the basic idea that we need a war simply to prevent the game from becoming too trade based and anti-piracy. All great games have had some element of a war between the factions simply to increase the amount of player activity when the majority of pirates arent online.