Forums » Suggestions

Jump bouies

Jun 25, 2004 Tilt152 link
how about having a jump bouy for some sectors that pilots have trouble getting 3000 out of when they are in an astroid field.

Not every SINGLE sector has to have a jump bouy but sectors with nation moniterd or station sectors. Pilots would have to jump out of the sector the old fashion way.

Jun 25, 2004 grunadulater link
That would be awesome. Make em blinking very very bright so we can actually see em.
Jun 25, 2004 Arolte link
Hehe, while you're talking about blinky lights and stuff I just realized that none of the sectors have the Waylonic ads anymore!! NOOOOOO!!!!
Jun 25, 2004 Skyfox link
True getting out to 3000m in a roid feild takes a long time, and the idea of jump bouys would be cool. That wouldn't take any advantage away from the pirates, as they could lie in wait around the jump bouy for the unsuspecting trader to come.

I think its a great idea.
Jun 25, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Yeah, I like the idea a lot.

Perhaps make 2-3 bouys, maybe 1 bouy marking the nearest jump point for each dock exit? That way you wouldn't have to arch around the station seeking it?
Jun 26, 2004 toshiro link
hm. personally, i am against the buoy thingy. the way it is now makes it much more interesting, as it allows you multiple escape routes.

if you implemented jump buoys, you'd have a concentration in these areas and thus facilitated piracy, as has been mentioned by Skyfox, followed by natural selection: smarter traders disregard buoys, newbs get pirated because they use the buoys, newbs get angry, leave the game and we have trouble all over again.

Jun 26, 2004 Tilt152 link
Well.. I was in a Bus and it was a real pain to get out of the astroid field but its the default way to jump out of the sector.

Jump bouies are optional and are short cuts to get out of the sector with an astroid field quicker than fleeing out in deep space to finally jump out. But newbies must notified that they must use them at their own risk when using short cuts(jump bouies) to get out of a sector quicker than the long and safe(less riskier) way.

Riskier short cuts happen not only in this game but almost all of the games. If there was a situation where a longer way was more dangerous than taking the short cut in the game, then things would be unbalanced there.. The big dangerous area would be useless and its not worth going there for searching for victims or even using it.

So in that case, newbies are highly recommended to not use bouys because the chances danger that might approach them.

I also forgot that you must be 500m or lower in range to use them.

Jump bouies are often marked as a "J" on the radar.