Forums » Suggestions

Low power, Low visibility

Jun 02, 2004 Thanquol link
Actualy this came from a friend of mine. Normaly you can lock onto a person that is within 3000m. If you could have a low power mode that allowed you to be locked on at 500m, just a random range, but at the same time allows you to lock on to no father then the same distance, halves your cruising speed and prevents you from using your turbo. The transition for low to full power should take time, so you can pop out of nowhere and blast someone to bit. It might be that someone has posted a similar idea, if so disregard this one.

Harmless Trader
Jun 02, 2004 Eldrad link
It's long but worth the read (imho).

Though I guess it's unlikely this stuff's going to make it in since the devs want it done this summer.