Forums » Suggestions

Global chat, station limits, ...

May 08, 2004 Arolte link
Wow! Sounds awesome. Thanks for the info, a1k0n. This is something I know I can't wait for.

May 07, 2004 stuepfnick link

1.) I think the Global chat takes a lot fun out of the role playing part. I had some ideas about that:

You could set global chat to non standard. Standard chat would be Sector chat then, and you can't go out with normal radio communication, just messgae private, group or team all just sector based.
And to chat globally, you must go to station and chat at a chat station, which is connected to all other sectors through something more special (stable wormhole conductions?), maybe there could be a ship upgrade for that too. (but only with a special license lots of money, takes a lot of energy, only at special places, whatever)

I think that would make communication even exciting! What do you think?

2.) It is partially anoying, that I can do some stuff only when leaving the station, like viewing the list of people in the sector, change settings (key maps, etc.), view my charinfo, and I guess some other stuff.
So if it is dangerous I can't look who's outside and if it's safe. If I want to form groups with some people in my sector I have to fly out and type all the complicated group stuff while drifting around and being a prime target. Also I can't look on my charinfo nor change graphics or control options before leaving the station, so i am a drifting prime target again. (ok, i could log of to change settings, but that takes time and i could miss something)

3.) It would be fine to have an absolutely local station chat! To see people that are also docked here and to be able to talk especially to them. It could be made with a new tab, just called "Bar", and you are only in the bar, when in the tab (mission bot could also sit there), and a tab "Hangar", where you see all docked ships and you need to go to take off. (or simpler would suffice for now: just a list of people, always there when docked)
So people could meet at the station to form groups. And I can see who is waiting for group action here. Would make things easier and more fun.

4.) missions tab could be renamed to "Blackboard" and it would also be ok to be able to accept more than one mission at a time. And you have an additional Tab: Charinfo where you see your info and mission status.

To get more space for tabs you could make 2 rows of tabs, or main and subtabs, like:
Ship & Cargo, Communication, etc. or merge some of the old ones.

What do you think? Wouldn't that be fine? And in the bar you could add the first NPC's in a later version...

just my thoughts...
nice greetings,
May 08, 2004 a1k0n link
I think just about everything you've suggested has been suggested in the past, and most of it is on our list of things to implement. In particular, we are going to limit global chat messages to one per minute (for announcing things/requesting help/etc), and focus on localized chat, like chat within your sight range, sector-wide chat, group chat, and local station chat. That is supposed to be in 3.4.x, and is on my list, but I didn't get to it.

The station user interface obviously needs a lot of work; we're redoing the whole interface last.
May 08, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Whaaaa, you intend to destroy the intellectually stimulating global chat? Such as debates on inaction vs. action and historical parallels? :(
May 08, 2004 SirCamps link
<Yooyooma> You suck!
<Serco Fighter 1> Your mom I suck!
<Yooyooma> Hahahahaha you can't catch me
<Serco Fighter 1> You suck!
<Yooyooma> Your mom I suck!
<Serco Fighter 1> You can't kill me!
<Yooyooma> You suck!

and so on! :D

I for one won't miss global chat. Perhaps the devs could follow my suggestion and put a global chat in at the char selection screen.
May 08, 2004 Sheean link
<newbie> But what if the universe had no beginning and no end and that the end and beginning where the same; would that mean that if you go forward into time you would actually go back?
<dude> well err..

Global chat will be missed :(
May 08, 2004 red cactus link
<person 1> red cactus you're the man
<red cactus> thanks
<person 2> red cactus you're THE man
<red cactus> thanks, as well
<person 3> red cactus you're the MAN
<red cactus> thank you

Et cetera. Yes, I will miss those good ol' days.
May 08, 2004 Magus link
Why is it that you're the only one who ever consistently complains about flaming on the global chat Camps?
May 09, 2004 Katarn link
I think global chat should have certain requirements to use, i.e. a license.
May 09, 2004 Cam link
Heh, Chat level 1: 0/99999999 intelligence points.
words like suck, r0x3rs, WTF... deduct intelligence points.

problem solved :D

May 09, 2004 randomblast link
<?> Anyone up for group trade missions?
<Blackhole Goldclaw> yup
<Ruby> sure
<[INM] Midknight Warrior> nah, got to trade
<Evhun Cerundir> Yes.
<[INM randomblast> yupyupyupyupyup
<Ciuciu> count me in

"<[INM] randomblast> so...anyone wanna sell their bounty?
<Apollo> you suck, you SUCK, YOU SUCK!!!
<[syn]n00b> who are iron maiden?

good things, bad things...
maybe just having an option to not hear messages from certain people that you don't like, or don't want to talk to, a bit like IRC's /ignore
oh....wait :p