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Graphics stuff

May 08, 2004 Forum Moderator link
moved to Suggestions
May 08, 2004 stuepfnick link
-> Well, if you are using anything but high textures, it'll have to loud the high textures for that ship.

True, but maybe this could be done in a snap. But it's really lowest priority, just some fine-tuning for the final version I guess then (if even that)...

The ships really look soo good in full detail, that's overwhelming fine! So I often turn to very high just to watch my ships, or the one I am going to buy ;-)
May 07, 2004 stuepfnick link

I really LOVE the look of Vendetta and it already has a GREAT graphics engine which is even or better than most commercial stuff.
•) Wouldn't it make more sense to use a dark (black) sky with stars as the enviromental map for the front shield and other glass stuff? I mean instead of the blue sky with clouds actually used (makes no sense to me at all).
•) Would it be possible to view ships in the station interior (when buying, looking at it) at full resolution and full quality all the time, even if graphic settings are set to low? I mean, when the one ship is the only 3D object on screen every computer (that plays Vendetta) can make a high framerate and high details. Would love that, so it makes more fun to buy new ships! ;-)

Just ideas...
May 07, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Well, if you are using anything but high textures, it'll have to loud the high textures for that ship.
May 09, 2004 randomblast link
The Devs(May they exist eternally.) have signified to us, the Mortals, that there shalt be no Divine Effort put into the Great Engine, known as WGAF. In their Eternal Wisdom, the full extent of which can never be known to us mere Mortals, they have decided to work solely on the Holy Gameplay.

-[DW] Keeper Of The Sacred Temple