Forums » Suggestions


May 07, 2004 finch link
I thought of this while stuck in s9 and s7 being unable to dock:
If your standings are quite low, you should be able to bribe them by /msg'ing the local Mission bot. That way, you would be able to dock there. But the bribe would only bring your stance to Neutral. Some people might abuse this. Example: A Serco flys into s4 and bribes the Mission bot. So his stance with Itani is neutral. Then he reaks havoc on s4. Then, the process is repeated. Well, if you take away the abusement, this might be a cool feature. I'll leave you guys to ponder that idea.

May 07, 2004 Sheean link
Aight, simple solution:

If you bribe someone, there is a chance it could go wrong:

* 45% chance your standing goes up (a random amount, but it can't go above neutral)
* 15% chance your standing with the faction you are bribing goes down (if possible)
* 10% nothing happens
* 10% when you dock you get arrested, fined, and when you pay the fine your standing is - after the increase due to the bribe - only reduced slightly
* 10% chance it is successful at first but your standing drops down after a couple of days because they discovered the bribing
* 5% chance your standing goes down with both the faction and a bit on all the other factions (well, they wouldn't trust somebody who bribes right?)
* 5% you get your money back and your standing remains unchanged
May 07, 2004 finch link
Meh, makes sense =b
(honestly i didnt catch a word Sheean said)
May 07, 2004 stuepfnick link
That sounds good!

You could even have a skill for that or a charisma value that effects percent values!

May 07, 2004 Magus link
Paying money to people for fun would increase your standing even if you were neutral though. It just wouldn't be a bribe anymore, more like a tip or a nice gift. Buy a bottle of scotch for the old bot traffic control guy on his birthday, bring a little toy from the distant reaches of space for the local mechanic's daughter, etc. When that little girl gets a look at her new Tri-Flare Barbie how could she not love you?
May 07, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
LOL Magus

I like the EV Series way of bribing (sry to bring ASW here again to the GSW boards!)

You can communicate with the dock commander and offer a bribe of a certain amount. At random intervals the bribe is denied and a msg like "We don't take kindly to insults" appears on the chat screen, other times you get this:

"Alright, we'll let you land for a price, pay 5000c?"
1: Yes
2: No

Similar to the current way of accepting a cargo mission string. The bribe would only allow the pilot to dock while in sector (after leaving sector once his status is reinstated)

Also, DefBots would NOT change behavior at the pilot and the pilot would have to fight his way past some defenders to land. Then Sheean's idea can take over about arrest and the like.