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Cargo info

May 05, 2004 Durgia link
I just thought it would be interesting if you target cargo and use /charinfo that it could tell you what it is. Simple thing that would be loved by me:D
May 05, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
I support this idea, espically with the new missions of "Collect "x" scrap" this would remove the frustration of picking up the wrong widget half-way through or at the end and having to make a full flight back to dock and come out to collect 1-2 widgets that this problem would've ID'd.
May 05, 2004 Darthmonkeyman link
yea for that mission that would be useful but part of the reason that it is that way is because there is a chance to get something good or ordinary(ly disposed by the bot). THat is acutally part of the fun of it, not to know if it will be trash or good junk. and if this is implemented in total then all that will be left is useless crap lying and littering the sector. i guess to make a long argument short, for certain missions(cargo collect) this is a good idea but if implemented in total will remove some of the fun and create a shit load of more programming for the devs
May 05, 2004 Darthmonkeyman link
-sorry double post-
May 06, 2004 Durgia link
actually it should not create much new programming at all. /charinfo already can access the info of the target, so cargo just needs to send info.
May 06, 2004 Nighty link
Actually, the info when typed out only consists of the name of the cargo, so it might as well be displayed where it currently displays "cargo".

As for the mystery of picking up something good/bad... I think this matters more when pirating a trader or something, and a good countermeasure would be the ability to put jammers in the crates of cargo so they confuse the radar and make it believe it's something completely different, or just jams the radar so it won't know what the heck is in the crate at all.

Now combine this with the ability to fill the crates with explosives which will go BOOM when you try to pick them up, and pirating could become a lot more interesting... You'd have to pirate in groups; some pirates holding the trader hostage at gunpoint untill their mate has picked up the cargo and verified it won't blow up in his face. Working in groups cuts into your profit margin, and hence discourages pirating so that only the truly inspired ones will chose that carreerpath.