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repair, reload, unload cargo - time penalty

May 03, 2004 Ciuciu link
Well penalty it's maybe not a good word for that but. If you load and unload your cargo (especially with 16 crates of sth) it's need time to be accomplished (time depends on craft type and amount of cargo). When you order to pack 16 itani electronics on your centaur you will get a little panel in the middle "Loading cargo..." and a progres bar. The times shouldn't be too long, maybe about 15 - 20s and maybe with some animations or sth (to avoid boringness :P)

The same goes to repairng and buying new crafts, so should slow down a little people who enters station, repair, rearm weapons and almost instantly leaves station to fight again
The reparing time of course depends on ship's type and it's hool points (it's very easy to repair bus, but extrimly difficult to repair very sophisticated and advanced craft like valkirie, maruder or prom).

Also it's easier to load a cargo ship (like centuur) than fighter craft (vult), so the time cost of ONE crate should be lover with centaur, nevertheless the amount of cargo makes it two or three times longer anyway.

BTW there should be a button "rearm all" which buys and rearms all weapons in current ship, clicking on everyone is kinda frustrating :P
May 03, 2004 Nighty link
Your last suggestion has been suggested already: a rearm/repair button which repairs your ship and rearms all ballistic weapons. It's been suggested so long ago it still puzzles me why such a simple patch hasn't made it ingame yet. I guess it would take no more than half an hour for a slow coder on a monday morning before his first cup of coffee to implement this, and I hold the devs in much higher regard than this hypothetical coder.

Another small annoyance that got brought up like what... a year ago? Why the hell do you have to log in by typing your password, THEN clicking on "log in" or hitting TAB - ENTER? It's not hard to make it so that whenever you press ENTER and either the LOG IN button or one of the username/password text boxes are focused, the game just logs in. Again, only 5 minutes of work to fix a small annoyance. OK, this might not be the most important aspect of the game; it's not a must-have feature, but it takes so little effort to fix it that one can't but wonder why the hell it didn't get fixed ages ago.

But I'm ranting. ;)
May 03, 2004 Arolte link
I like the idea of having a progress bar for reloading/rearming etc. Sounds more realistic than insta-getting something out of the station. I vote yes!!
May 03, 2004 mr_spuck link
I like the "reload all" thing

HAH HAH and with my superslow connection I already have a loading time :D ... yey I'm more realistic than you broadband guys

/me goes back into his cave ...