Forums » Suggestions

Pilot rankin system

May 02, 2004 LuniX link
With the new version of Vendetta scores arent valuable anymore, much to my liking. Yet a miss as well. I remember beeing anoyed with x-wing having a pilot rank like veteran - ace - top ace etc... But it was still just the amount of score.

Why not check the score added over the past week / month this will display your skill much better. Or maybe a special achievement is required, like the fasted flier from sec 12 to 7. Shortest time on killing 10 II bots [ or III bots :) ], or some other nice stuff like that.

We have the levels but this only displays how much time you have spent online, rankin should indicate how good you are now and maybe you have had a bad week or a good one, one can even monitor ones improvement,, maybe clans or guild could use that.

Maybe someone has a more perfected idea on the rankin system? Maybe even one specially for trading, pirating, stupid raiding, fighting and lets not forget exploring (anyone been up to that?)