Forums » Suggestions

hate dislike neutral like love

May 02, 2004 quiveri link
i think, to avoid confusion, that NTs, being neutral to everyone at the begining, should have a different color in the radar. you know how hostiles are red and friendlies are green? neutrals should be gold or another color to signify that we are no threat, then if, lets say, the itani government likes us, we would have a green radar icon to the itani. etc for the other nations. anyways, i dont expect it to happen, but its an idea

-NT Freighter
May 02, 2004 Pyro link
What if you have a green icon and then start attacking us, though? A gold icon or something wouldn't be a bad idea, though... Maybe have it shift towards red or green depending on standing?
May 02, 2004 Phaserlight link
/me likes
May 02, 2004 roguelazer link
Not just NT's. I think that the radar color of ALL pc's and npc's should be decided by your relationship to them. For example, if you are an Itani who is "Like" with neutral, all neutrals should show up as, say, green on the radar. If you're "neutral" with serco, all sercos are orange. If you're "Hate" with TPG, all TPG ships show up as red on radar. Get it?
May 02, 2004 Arolte link
Better idea. Make Serco red on radar. Itani blue on radar. Neutrals gold on radar. The same goes for the bounding box color when you target a ship. And maybe even the HUD color of each nation can match.
May 02, 2004 grunadulater link
No arolte. Green makes me think ally, red makes me think enemy. Serco newbs wouldn't understand too well. I like neutrals gold, except that missiles are gold too.
May 02, 2004 roguelazer link
Don't give neutrals their own colour, I mean, some of them are hated by Itani/Serco.
May 02, 2004 Arolte link
How 'bout this then: Current color scheme, but their colors change according to your standing with them. Errr... yeah something like that.

/me still has hope that friendly fire will be implemented
May 02, 2004 Spellcast link
I think rogue is on the right track. every PC should be color coded based on their reputation with your primary faction. (IE the group you have the most standing with)

maybe green for love, orange for neutral and red for hate.
May 02, 2004 HumpyThePenguin link
What about having the normal radar dots be a shade in between green and red depending on their standing with your personal faction, with a border of red/blue/gold to signify their team. Like, if I was targetting a gold player who was disliked 98%(running off the old system) with my faction, then they should be a slightly reddish gray with a gold border. Or if I targetted another serco who was loved 45%(again, off the old system), it would be a grayish green, with a red border.
May 02, 2004 Sheean link
This would save me from so much fire in s12.