Forums » Suggestions

Ion Blaster Back to Lvl1

May 01, 2004 roguelazer link
The ion blaster is, compared to the busgun, an -extremely- powerful weapon. It is my humble opinion that it should be a "level1" weapon. However, I do think that it should be -any- level1. So if you get Level1 trading, you get Ion Blaster, as should you if you recieve a lvl1 combat piloting, light weapons or heavy weapons license. Just so that you can prove that you understand the game at least a little bit.
May 01, 2004 Arolte link
Agreed. I never understood why it was tossed back to level 0. I didn't have a problem killing bots with the free gov't plasma cannons.
May 01, 2004 Spellcast link
there were some people who had only started playing within the last few days who were having a problem.
I say, create a new license, call it level 0.5 and make it 500 xp.
put the ion cannon there at all levels, combat -> trade. this way it A)feels like a small reward, B)a noob can take 2-3 trading missions to get it thus increasing his/her botting chance, and C) it is availible no matter what path you choose.
May 02, 2004 Ciuciu link
Well.. in future there should be something like training missions - basic missions which gave you basic ability to move around, dock and jumping along sectors (and fireing weapons thru bots)

When reputation system will be on, the friendly fire could be on also, and all that must be explained to noob.

After accomplishing such training mission (or missions) you would revibe space blah blah certificate (awards field in charinfo) and access to lvl 0.5 :) (wchich MUST be named else) where you could buy some bad stuff (like ion canon etc) ..

I belive that in final game there will be about 15 or more levels and EC-88 in way we know it now will be available at first (not zero :>)
May 02, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
I like Spells idea, perhaps a true "Training Program" though hosted by the local Mission Computer could handle it. If the pilot completes the course (not a long one, just a basic training like "Go kill 5 bots and bring back 2 Scrap Metal to the dock" mission) would be given a "Training License" that would allow them to purchase an Ion Blaster.
May 02, 2004 AD link
Woah woah woah! Its slow enough getting to lvl 1. With Ion Blasters it speeds up battles so its not so bad. still takes ages though. Sometimes I think my glory days are over.
May 02, 2004 roguelazer link
It should be slow. Look at it this way. If guild charges by the month, and it takes 4 days to get to the ultimate, nothing-left-to-be-discovered level, they're not going to get as many months as if it takes 4 months. Or 4 years. I personally think that everything should be spread out over many more levels and the amount of xp needed to advance a level should double.
May 02, 2004 HumpyThePenguin link
Not that I completely agree with rogue, but the ion blaster does need to be bumpped back up, or at least a reward for a simple training course that helps new players get a firm grasp on basic controls. When I first got the ion blaster in 3.4, I was damned grateful for it
May 02, 2004 ctishman link
Here's what you need before you pop into the universe at large. Until that point, you should be entirely client-side:

1) Subspace Radio Transmission License (free, once you complete the training course on etiquette and the various types of chat (say, team, sector, msg, group, /me). Essentially it's a window that pops up and lays it all out for you. Until you complete this course, all of your chat is client-side. This serves the dual purpose of letting you try out each type of chat without clogging up the chat line and keeping the "OMGWTFBBQ HOW DO I PALY THIS FKICNG GAME!!1" out.

2) Spacedock Operations Certification
This explains how the different parts of the station work. It lays out purchase of ships, cargo and upgrades, loading and unloading of cargo, the forthcoming station chat panel, inventories and missions. Once you have this, you're spit out of the training interface into space itself.

3) Basic Energy Weapon Certification
This is the classic training bit. Learn about targeting, aiming with the lead reticule, zoom, blast a few tin cans off the fence. You can't move yet, just turn and fire.

This all culminates in:
4) Recreational Pilot License.
Learn to turn, roll, boost and brake. Understand boost power and try a few of the different engines in the stable of the training academy. Get a taste for what's coming and light the fire in the burn for higher levels. Complete this course, and you're ready to enter the real universe and take your basic first missions.
May 02, 2004 Pyro link
Oooh, I like ctishman's idea. Suggestion, though: for the weapons part, they should have to kill a weaponless Drone I or two... Not very hard, just a bit of practice against moving targets... Teach leading, stuff like that. They probably ought to be able to move for that, though...
May 03, 2004 HumpyThePenguin link
or some really really slow recon bots..
May 03, 2004 Ciuciu link
Yea... and make soem advanced that's already is but what i mean is a some static quad-tach canon on some kind of staton or something as an example what would happen to you if you piss wrong person :)

for the training purposes he should be given a centurion (as a basic training craft)