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Give me back my % ratings! :D

May 04, 2004 sapo_sk link
Well, not only does /charinfo not give us enough information, what little information we get is insufficient to guess what will happen if you kill somebody. For example, I got annyoed today by "beginner" attacking everyone in sector 6, so I had a look at his charinfo, saw that he killed 6 serco and 4 itani. So I thought, well, I'm liked by the Senate, he must have taken some reputation hit for the killings, if he attacks me again let's take him out and see what happens.
As a result of this experiment, I am now of course hated by the Senate. Too late did I realize that sice both Itani and Serco players are mainly neutral to NT, NT players killing people left right and center will still hardly lose any standing with their government at all. If I could quickly check the percentages he had, I'd have a better chance of guessing what would be the consequences of killing him.
Now, I would like to get my standing with NT back to dislike at least. To do so I got to go to 6 to bot, which is a lot of fun with all the defbots chasing me all around the place. And since I have no percentage/meter ratings for my own /charinfo, I have no idea if I need to kill another 90 bots in 6, or just 5 of them...
May 05, 2004 Ciuciu link
Weell.. funny thing happened to me 2 days ago. One of NT palyers tried to kill me constantly, and after i miss docking bay with my centaur he managed to do that. I was (and still am) loved by NT, so i expected a major loss in his NT reputation. Well.. he become disliked, and after killink few bots he become neutral again (wchich i belive was his startting standing)... :/