Forums » Suggestions

New Sector Ideas

Apr 12, 2004 Morbidly Wrong link
I hope its a new idea...

I was watching the 5th element last night and they had the scene where lelo fell into the cab and they had the chase seen around the city..

wow, what if there was a sector that was mostly a massive station that had a grid like system to it... so it looked like a giant space station city... it could have numorious docks... and maybe one or two could have some cargo that could not be found on in the rest of the station city.

then ... i was reading through the IPAC post i did and someone sayed that some areas of space would not have a light source... it would be neet to have out board lights on our ship for navigating a sector that was mostly dark with roids and station that was all bright and shinny...

i'm sure my brain will fart more ideas for this post later..


Apr 12, 2004 Magus link
There is already a thred. The title had something to do with Creativity demons. There were some good idea in there.

edit: Bumped for your convenience.
Apr 12, 2004 Vlad link
Anything more complicated than the current space stations causes frame rates to drop very quickly. I'd love to do giant city scenes, but.... heh, not going to happen any time soon.
Apr 12, 2004 roguelazer link
Why not? Again, I point to Homeworld2. A large, low-poly model with a big texture can work wonders. particularly if you have more city as the background.
Apr 12, 2004 Magus link
A model that large would need to be bland as hell to be viewable by lower end systems. It would just look ugly. Can you imagine flying around a station that was just made up of a bunch of beige boxes?
Apr 12, 2004 roguelazer link
Offer multiple levels of textures. Basic level is just blobby. But look at Doom 3- low poly count, but crazy good textures to make the models look realistic. The devs could do that, I'd bet...
Apr 13, 2004 Vlad link
Nope! Sorry. Even ignoring the fact that I have nowhere near enough time for all that content creation (heh), the doom 3 engine is optimized totally differently than vendetta's engine is, and is capable of doing different things. Doom3 is all interior, so you're only seeing a tiny fraction of the level at any given time. Vendetta is all exterior, so you can potentially see EVERYTHING in the level all at the same time. (among other differences...)

Apr 13, 2004 Arolte link
I'm sure there'd be ways around it. Have you considered blocking the field of vision with asteroids so you're only seeing a certain distance at any given moment? Say for example you have a large city station that would normally kill framerates when viewed from outside with all the asteroids etc. Maybe you could put a lost city station inside a hollow asteroid instead. Just create various winding tunnels until you get to the center. Or have a mining station inside a HUUUUUGE asteroid with windows and walkways popping out of the interior tunnels. Sort of like what you have with sector 7, but instead being completely engulfed by the asteroid. If all else fails you can just resort to fog culling and just call it a thick nebula.

Apr 13, 2004 ctishman link
That'd rock! Have "wormhole chambers" at the edges.
Apr 13, 2004 grunadulater link
I think it would be interesting to have sort of "door" ships. They're NPCs, but they barely move. When a person enters a command, the ship slids right or left or up or down into a little hole, therefore opening a door to a certain room. Of course, it could be destroyed, but there would be NPC turret ships like on the frig guarding it.
Apr 13, 2004 Forum Moderator link
I don't think Vlad is saying it isn't possible, I think he's saying "Not right now". They are working hard right now to get the basic gameplay of Vendetta up and running. Once the structure is stable (and capable of generating funds) there will be plenty of time for content additions.
Apr 13, 2004 RelayeR link
I wish I was a Dev and had FM at the front door. You do them proud, FM!
Apr 13, 2004 Morbidly Wrong link
again lol i intended this post was just for neat ideas... thanks to magnus for bumping that other post... there were even more ideas in there.....

sorry vlad i didnt mean to make you unfocused... i think the FM said it best... 'I think he's saying "Not right now".'

i wish i had a time machine so i can jump ahead one year and play vendetta... hahaha
