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Put GTS in chat

Mar 05, 2004 Sheean link
It would be cool if people could chat in game with GTS.

Here's how it could work:

When you're in a screen where you can input text, you press ctrl-c (or whatever, just bind it to something.) You can then input GTS, you can press ctrl-c again to get out of 'GTS input mode' (so you can use both.)

When you're in 'GTS input mode' all the letters are binded to keys (and those other chars: ch, ng and th, just make them appear if you type 'c' 'h' - then 'ch' will apear.)

For the symbolics:

Type the word, for example 'pilot'.
Then press 'z' and <POOF> the symbolic replaces the text (for product: you can press 'z' twice.) If you don't want the symbol, you can press z again, and it becomes 'normal' text again.

So.. will this come 'soon'? :)

EDIT: GTS names would be cool too, but it would be a bit tricky for those who can't read/write GTS to type who's attacking them.. heh.

<crazynewb> AAAHH!!! I'm being attacked!!
<coolteammember> By who?
<crazynewb> It's something I can't read
<coolteammember> Great...
Mar 06, 2004 toshiro link
somehow this would open the back door for more spammers than we already have.
make a gts channel by all means, but one that is turned off defaultly.
Mar 06, 2004 Sheean link
Why would it open the door for more spammers? You could still ignore them (just don't allow GTS in names -_-)
Mar 06, 2004 SirCamps link
Better idea, make available "translation" units. You can buy different ones for different nations ("Serco" translation unit, etc.). If your ship is damaged and knocked out, you'd have to decipher messages on your own.
Mar 06, 2004 Sheean link
Nah, that would make a bad situation a really bad situation for n00bs...

<offtopic> just upgraded to KDE 3.2.. OMFG! A spellcheck! This is soo 1337...

Next: how's about a spellcheck in Vendetta too then? Hehe.
Mar 06, 2004 Phaserlight link
I dont think GTS is a simple substitution cypher for the roman alphabet...
Mar 07, 2004 toshiro link
how true. it consists of single letters and syllables as well as glyphs for entire words.
a translator would have to be programmed really well to allow for that i think.
plus, how do we enter the things? if we want to use the syllables and wordglyphs, we need a text input system akin to that of the chinese/japanese input system with popup menues.

maybe have the furies yell at you in GTS when you kill 'em...
Mar 07, 2004 Xorbital link
Now if we go using GTS in chat, grammar is only going to get worse...
Mar 07, 2004 Sheean link
Well it should basically be 'optional' like I said, so you could basically 'type over' the names of stuff you see. And maybe use some of the pictogram because they are more compact or whatever...


You could insert stuff like this:

[from earlier post] When you're in a screen where you can input text, you press ctrl-c (or whatever, just bind it to something.) You can then input GTS, you can press ctrl-c again to get out of 'GTS input mode' (so you can use both.)

When you're in 'GTS input mode' all the letters are binded to keys (and those other chars: ch, ng and th, just make them appear if you type 'c' 'h' - then 'ch' will appear.)

For the symbolics:

Type the word, for example 'pilot'.
Then press 'z' and <POOF> the symbolic replaces the text (for product: you can press 'z' twice.) If you don't want the symbol, you can press z again, and it becomes 'normal' text again.

[new] Japanese/Chinese uses those pop-up stuff, because sometimes there are many different signs for the same 'word'. GTS doesn't has that, there is only 'one' sign for pilot, 'one' sign for credit, etc. So it should basically check when you press 'z': is the last word in the dictionary? Yes: replace with pictogram No: keep it.