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sound tweakage

Mar 04, 2004 red cactus link
I think it'd be cool if people were able to tweak the sounds in the game, i.e. levels. Then people like me who are rich and have subwoofers can up the bass on engines (what is it--60Hz?) and enjoy shaking the house when I'm turboing...

Mar 04, 2004 SirCamps link
The turbo USED to shake the house, but enough of our neighbors phoned John and Waylon and cursed them out and vowed to rent Concordes and break the sound barrier over GS and shoot little lemmings through their windows and paintball their cars that the devs had to lower the bass sound on the turbo a little.
Mar 04, 2004 toshiro link
*remembers the reassuring "WH-KOOoo..." of the turbo kick-in*
Mar 04, 2004 Arolte link
Yeah... I'm still a little bitter about them turning the bass down. I mean how hard is it to turn the bass dial down on the speakers if you're so annoyed by it? Geez. Bring back the beefy engine sounds! It's a spaceship with powerful engines boosting at high speeds, not a peaceful hang glider whooshing through the grand canyon. It's supposed to sound annoyingly loud when you're boosting. You don't hear NASA astronauts complaining about the vibrations and loudness during liftoff now, do you?

Mar 04, 2004 Sheean link
Well actually some ESA astronauts did and said they prefered the soyuz.. heh
Mar 04, 2004 Arolte link
Can you change the sounds of Vendetta on client side and still be able to play? If so, I'd like to know how. Muwhaha!
Mar 04, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
I guess your neighbors didn't last long sir camps.
(a little problem with the nose crashing when landing on some concords)
Mar 04, 2004 Arolte link
Bah. Perhaps Vendetta needs more sound options. Maybe an engine bass slider or something. Taking the bass away from the sound may sound fine if you have a good set of speakers, but it sounds like someone spitting when heard through headphones. Unfortunately people with speakers already have the option of tweaking the bass, which leaves headphone users screwed when the actual sound is changed. Anyway, Vendetta is still missing lots of sounds, so turning the bass back up is far from making the game more complete.


/me prods Incarnate, the main sound guy
Mar 04, 2004 ctishman link
Uh, what are we sitting around for? You want beefy sounds, so go make beefy sounds! This is the multimedia age, and if you can play Vendetta, your computer can synthesize sound.
Mar 04, 2004 roguelazer link
/me records the engine sounds from ingame, eq's it with the low end all the way up and saves, then plays over and over again while flying.
Mar 04, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
You learn how to expand media.rlb (and to compress it again)