Forums » Suggestions


Mar 03, 2004 Durgia link
I was wondering if the Devs could change the wh sign from the current circle to signs more like the ones in 40-46. I also don't think we need to see them from 20km away, though this is nice it makes us lazy. WH's are already on radar give them a nice glowing sign and thats enough to find them.

/me just does not like the little circle
Mar 03, 2004 Spellcast link
I think the little circle is supposed to be a representation on your HUD, not an actual feature in space. Of course this leads to the question of "once you transit a hidden wormhole, why doesnt your HUD remember where it is?"
Mar 03, 2004 Celebrim link
"I think the little circle is supposed to be a representation on your HUD, not an actual feature in space. Of course this leads to the question of "once you transit a hidden wormhole, why doesnt your HUD remember where it is?"

Because you haven't bought a navigation computer yet. :)
Mar 03, 2004 Durgia link
can I have a way of turning off the annoying little circle then ?

*edit* without turning off the rest of the hud
Mar 03, 2004 Magus link
Press h.
Mar 03, 2004 timmy10150 link
Spellcast you know you get a dot on your radar when you get by a hidden wormhole right?
Mar 04, 2004 Spellcast link
umm yes timmy, however that isn't my point. The hud remembers where the "normal" wormholes are at infinite distances. Since the Wormholes never move, you'd think that the computer would be able to remember where the hidden ones were once you've been through them. After all it's just a reference to the sector coordinate plane. (speaking of which, /displayshippos works wonders, find the WH, use it and then jot down the numbers. Then bind /displayshippos to a key and learn which numbers reference what directions of travel. :) )
Mar 04, 2004 harvestmouse link
I think capital W turns off the wormholes on your radar... but you can still see the wh in the environment
Mar 04, 2004 RelayeR link
The wh reticle is important for wh traversing. Knowing how to hit the wh gives tacticle advantage when going through it. The reticle tells you where the heart of the wh is from your current position. I will not tell you how I enter after someone and appear ahead of them or enter before someone and appear behind them...Keep it.
Mar 05, 2004 Eldrad link
Spellcast it's in no way realistic that the hud doesn't remember where hidden wormholes are... but it's good for game play.
Mar 05, 2004 Eldrad link
Grrr browser wouldn't load the page so I've got a double post now.
Mar 05, 2004 Durgia link
I would still like the option to turn it off. Either that or replace the circle with a little GTS symble.