Forums » Suggestions

Remove the possibility of AI friendly fire during missions

Dec 28, 2024 Renaar link
While on a mission, my suggestion is that you should NEVER be fired upon by friendly NPCs on your team. Sure if you kill more than say 2 or 3 friendly NPCs (because of maliciousness) you can be kicked from the mission and then you're fair game (I think this is a current mechanic).

Why? Currently while on a mission if you accidently hit or kill an NPC, friendlies turn against you.
Example: NPC fighter flies in front of a stack meant to deshield a queen, and now your team comes after you. I just had a Dent ignore every bot in Leviathan sector and beeline straight for my Goliath because the NPC flew into my stack. Your team should never fire you for accidental friendly-fire. Is a soldier in war accidently wounds a friendly, his team doesn't turn and shoot him in war. This happens all the time and it's aggrivating. I have also seen the friendly NPCs attack each other because of the same reasons (3 NPC Dents all shooting at each other drifting into space ignoring the Levi). Is it possible to prevent the friendly NPCs from attacking thier own team while a mission is active? Thanks for reading my suggestion!
Jan 23, 2025 Renaar link
Jan 23, 2025 greenwall link
I agree. This is where realism fails the gameplay. This has been abused forever.
Jan 24, 2025 incarnate link
I don't have a problem with improving this, I agree it's.. not very good, right now.

But, I don't have much else to say in detail yet, because I would have to wade into and disentangle how that system currently works and come up with something better, and consider all the ramifications, and I haven't had the headspace to do that since you posted.

Still, I am interested in improving that, and I do agree that it leads to some pretty dumb problems.
Jan 25, 2025 Renaar link
Thank you for the replies!
Feb 06, 2025 incarnate link
So, some aspects of the NPC-on-NPC aggression should be mitigated as of tonight's release:


- Fixed issue with NPCs attacking other friendly NPCs that are on the same mission.
Feb 07, 2025 Renaar link
Thanks for looking into this issue, Inc!