Forums » Suggestions

Subject Title Post for "Salute" for Acknowledgement and Achievement"

Dec 25, 2024 Captain86 link
There are plenty of things gamers can complain about in general for any game.
Most may end up being sort of subjective but that's another debate.

With that in mind, I seldom see a "subject title post" for a "General Solute".
Such as "General Solute" for: players, achievements, game developers, modders, etc.
Not the place for bug reports, or rants etc.

For example: Amazing Graphics and Physics IMO
I'm still amazed how Vendetta objects look and the physics of things in space etc.
Astroids look like astroids or at least what I image an actual astroid should look like.

With all the space games I've played, perhaps all of them, one thing that really stands out when I play is that I end up comparing visual quality and emersion with Vendetta all the time. I find myself using Vendetta as the benchmark to compare how things should look/feel/sound IMO.

Anyhow, alongside of complaints which sort of litter all the posts in general it seems warranted for a "General Solute" Title Section to mention things like this or perhaps some modders works, or players achievements, or perhaps players skills etc.
Dec 28, 2024 Renaar link
Sure its a great game but this is the suggestions forum. People arent complaining, they are presenting ideas to enhance gameplay.
Dec 29, 2024 Whistler link
I think this is a nice idea, but I believe it would be more meaningful to simply post a fresh thread in the General forum any time you would like to recognize an achievement. This wouldn't require any developer intervention and users would be more likely to interact with such posts.